Kids are innocent souls. What they do is so cute and adorable all the time. But most of the kids are disobedient. Rarely will you kids who are obedient enough to follow what their parents or elders have instructed. But when they follow these instructions to the last word, they don’t realize that they could go against what’s called common sense. So, go ahead and find out 40 cute mistakes who took the instructions quite literally.
Keep An Eye On The Ball

To teach batting to the kids, they should be trained in having the correct hand-eye co-ordination. For having this trait, they should keep an eye on the ball. Look the kid is doing just that.
In Alphabetical Order

You asked to write the words In alphabetical order. You did not show this child a dictionary. So you can’t blame him/her for their mistake. The kid has done what he/she was told to.
Training The Dog

This boy was asked to train the dog. So the boy came up with a cool trick. He showed the pup dog training videos on YouTube. He thinks highly of the dog. Everybody’s learning from YouTube. Surely the dog can as well.
Raising A Toast

The parents were talking about raising a toast in the evening. When evening came, the little girl reminded the parents of their promise and a new meaning was given to the age-old tradition.
Eat Half Of The Grapes

The boy was told to eat half of the grapes, which he did promptly. We cannot even blame him for the mistake, because we told him to do so. Now we will have to buy a new bunch of grapes.
Serving Food To The Cat

The boy was told to feed the cat, but this was not what we had in mind. And when did cats start having oranges? But we can’t find fault with the boy, because he did what he was told to do.
Bringing A Fish To Class

The children were told to bring a fish to class. It was not specified whether the fish should be live or dead. While the other children brought a live goldfish in class, this boy bought a dead tilapia to class.
Don’t Play Outside

He was told not to go outside, but he wanted to. So what he did he stretched himself keeping his feet inside while the whole body is outside the threshold. If you ask me, the kind of way the boy thinks, he’s going to be a lawyer when he grows up.
Play Games Outside

The boy was told that it was not a day that was to be spent inside because of the sunshine and the weather, both of them were so fine. He was asked to PLAY outside. The boy followed the instructions and he started playing video games outside.
Observe The Art

Showing Your Thinking

Bobby has four dimes. Agreed! Amy has 30 pennies! Agreed to this one also. The boy correctly answers the question. But when he was asked to show his thinking, he does that too, in comic book style and the teacher doesn’t want to deduct his score for literally following the instructions.
Drawing Hands On The Clock

The child was told to draw the hands of the clock. He drew hands on every clock in the picture. He did as he was told, but he was asked to show the time. We still do not what time it is yet.
Making The Computer Faster

The boy’s father wanted to make the computer faster, so he asked his little son for help who was keen to do so. His father went to have a sip of water or something. When he came back he saw this.
Naming The Quadrilaterals

Who said that quadrilaterals can’t have regular names like us. Why do you expect them to be named ABCD, PQRS, or any other crappy names, when there are nicer names in the world?
It’s Story Time

The boy was told that it was story time and that Gramps would be telling a story to him while he got in bed. So the boy bought a flashlight and also his warm cap.
Use The Chopsticks

The boy was instructed to use the chopsticks and this is what the boy did. He followed the instructions, but he did it his own way.
What Happens When You Live For A 100 Years?

You can’t blame the man for doing that. He was asked to do a simple math question. But this boy has all the common sense in the world. He used it and came up with the best answer, no, the correct answer. Who lives for 100 years these days?
Letter To Santa

The child was told to write a letter to Santa, so he wrote all of them, right from A to Z. Next time, it would be more sensible to be specific about the letters.
Half The Hot Dog

The kid was asked to finish half the hot dog before he was allowed to watch TV. The kid followed the instructions hand ate half the hot dog. But this is not the Mom had in mind. Heck, the kid has even had half the ketchup.
Shoes By The Door

The mother always asks her daughter to put the shoes by the front door. Sometimes, she follows the instructions quite literally. But kid, you should have looked where the other people left the shoes.
Not Greenland

What’s the use of learning all the chapters of Geography, when you give such a big clue in the question? So, as a bonus, the child was awarded one mark, just for pure common sense.
Take Out Centi Out Of The Meter

There is no use of knowing and practicing Math if you have a lot of brains. Here the kid was asked how to convert centimeters to meters. Of course, you divide the number by a thousand. But why bother when you can get the answer by taking out centi?
1895 Ended In 1896

What would have ended in 1895? No idea? Just because you are weak in trivia does not mean that you do not know the answer. This boy knows what ended in 1896. The previous year 1895 did!
Not The Shape, Silly

The child was asked to tell the difference between 8 and 6 and the answer would simply be 2. I know many of you must have answered the question correctly. But this child here tried to explain the difference in shapes of the two numbers. But we can’t blame him for feeling it.
Not Their Socks

The children were asked not to wear their socks to the garden. So they came up with a cool idea, they wore their Mom’s socks to the garden instead. Now, aren’t these kids obedient and smart?
Soap In The Bathroom

This kid in question is a second grader and was asked to leave the soap in the bathroom. So he did it and left it at the threshold of the door. He wasn’t specifically told to leave the soap in a particular place.
Cookies On The Table

Mom had asked the child to put the cookies on the table. The boy did put the cookies on the table. Mom hadn’t told to put the cookie tray on the table, so the kid isn’t wrong at all.
Putting The Clothes Away

Mom had asked the kid to put the clothes away. The kid followed Mom’s orders to the world. This is what the mother found when she came into the room.
Blow Up The Bounce House

The bounce house had been deflated and the boy wanted to bounce on it. The Mom didn’t want to agree to the boy’s requests. But she didn’t have the heart to refuse to him also. She told him he could use it if he could blow it. He is trying to do just that. Little does he know that this thing comes with a pump.
Finishing The Mixes

The kid was asked to finish mixing the cookie mix. Instead, he finished eating the cookie mix. Now, we have a wise guy with a whole box of cookie mix in his stomach.
Putting The Toys Away

The kid in question is a 3-year old girl who was asked to put away her toys after she had finished playing. This is where she put her toy guitar, just behind her Dad’s.
The Custom Toy For Her Brother

A 10-year-old sister asked her brother what he liked. He told that he liked the guitar, mustaches and sloth. She came back after an hour with this creation exclusively for her brother. Isn’t this cute?
The Phyto Cell

She was asked to draw a plant cell for her Biology quiz. She drew a plant in a cell instead. She was also based to name the important parts of the plant cell. She showed that also.
Mom Doesn’t Want To See The Cooler

Mom told her son that she didn’t want to see the cooler in the room ever again. The child ensured that her mother did not have to see the thing again. He hid it under the couch cushions. Such a cute obedient kid.
Not To Take The Clothes Off The Hanger

The Mom told the daughter that she couldn’t take the clothes off the hanger and try them on. The girl wanted to obey her mother. At the same time, she couldn’t resist the temptation. So she had a way out. Have a look at it.
Don’t Eat All The Strawberries

The kids were asked not to eat all the strawberries. So, the obedient kids left just one strawberry so that there was at least a strawberry left. Hey, it’s not that bad, because they listened to their parents.
Spraying The Deodorant From 15 Cms

It says in the instructions that the deodorant should be sprayed from a distance of 15 centimeters. So, the girl is trying to just do that. She brought the ruler because she wanted to be accurate.
He Can Draw A Mushroom, Believe Me

Pooh In The Poo

The Mom asked the kid to put the Pooh doll in the right place. But he put it in the baby loo. Why? After all, that is where the poo goes, isn’t it?
Pizza In Its Place

The woman asked to put the pizza dress back in its place. The kid though the pizza came from the freezer. Nowadays, they get frozen pizza from the freezer. So, technically, the kid is not wrong.