Having a sibling is both – a blessing and a nightmare. Sometimes, you will feel it is a sweet bliss that has been bestowed upon you. Sometimes, you feel it is more torturous than staying in a dark dungeon, all chained up. These bittersweet memories are what make life an enjoyable experience.
This is something that is entirely relatable to people who have brothers and sisters. They have a gamut of feelings to respond to. Happiness, annoyance, displeasure, downright sadness, and whatnot. So, we have created a list out of pictures that reflect each feeling in a lighter vein.
So, go ahead, check out these 40 pictures and enjoy every aspect of mischief and funny annoyance –
Hey, It Moves!

This girl recently became an elder sister. When she was handed over the newborn baby in her hand, her reaction was priceless. She finds it quite difficult to handle a moving baby and thinks she might drop it.
Sibling Love Or Sibling Hate

The three humans are siblings, so are the two dogs. While the three humans are loving, the two dogs are slugging it out. Ah, both the aspects of sibling love and hate, in one pic.
The Trophy And The Onion Ring

The boy won an award and the sister also wanted to show that she too had won something. Since she couldn’t manage a medal, she showed off her onion ring. You know what, she can eat it too!
Half-Eaten Doughnuts

When little brother was told to eat half the doughnuts, he did that as he was instructed. Somebody tell that young prick what kind of crappy brother he is.
The Lipstick Shade Tester

Spare Set Of Keys

Brothers are always the forgetful and careless ones in the pack. Here the younger brother has forgotten his set of keys to the house and is asking his sister (at way past 10 in the night) to open the door or keep it open. The sister asks him to remember his keys at least for once, so that she can have a peaceful sleep.
The Gift Box Without A Present

This is a common happening all around the world. There are many instances when siblings have gifted each other empty cardboard boxes, without any gifts inside. It’s not the gift put the feelings that count.
The Exact Share

Another aspect of sibling life is that they have to share everything equally. Be it the chocolate or the candies, to the bicycle, everything has to be shared equally. In this picture, the siblings are exactly doing that.
There’s Stil Some Toilet Paper Left

The brother was asked to replace the old toilet roll with a new one. When he did not do what he was asked to do, then he said there was still some toilet paper left on the roll, and technically, he is not wrong either.
The Two Geniuses

Peanut Butter In The Jam

Every younger sibling does that. They dip the spoon in the Peanut Butter and then they dip it in the jam, so that they could make their own PB and J sandwich. But this end result is so gross, and irritating. Oh, when will the younger ones learn?
The Sibling Castle

Pinning Down The Youngest

When you have too many older siblings, things like these are expected. But that little one is smiling which shows that it is nothing but a joke.
Testing The Taste

Indulging in a taste-testing session, are we? We were talking about how irritating being a sibling actually is. Here in this picture, you see one more irritating side of having brothers or sisters who love to sample things a lot.
Where Has All The Ham Gone?

The younger one must be a ham lover, so he has promptly eaten away all the ham pieces from all the Lunchables. Next time, keep your share under lock and key.
That’s Not The Right Way

Can dumb younger brothers be explained that’s not how kitchen rolls are supposed to be kept? What is the hole in the center of the kitchen roll for?
The Bottles Of Cheese Dips That Never Finish

The older brother keeps on buying a lot of cheese dips and never even finishes one bottle. Why are all brothers like that? And I bet, he might be licking it with his fingers as well.
Toothpaste Tantrums

Younger brothers and wasted toothpaste are synonymous with each other. Never do they learn that this toothpaste should be inside their mouth, not on the tube’s mouth. But, they never learn.
No Neat Cuts

When you have a younger sister or brother at home, forget having a neat slice of cake, because these little ones take whatever way they please.
That’s Not The Way You Slice A Pizza

Younger ones have no skill at pizza slicing either. So it is mandatory for every elder brother or sister to teach their young siblings the correct way to slice a pizza. Otherwise, be prepared to eat these zig-zag pizza portions.
The Worst Present ‘Ever’

Why would someone in this world even present their older siblings with vase filler stones? When you do not have the intention to gift someone, it shows.
Brother Loves Chocolate

Brother loves chocolate a lot, so he has created an entire stash of chocolate yogurt. But that is only for him and nobody else. The rest can eat plain yogurt. So mean!
Messy Sister Syndrome

When a sister returns home from college, you can expect the bathroom sink to look like this. It is so annoying to share a bathroom with a sibling. She was better off in her college.
Wolfy Sister – Totally Untrustworthy

What can you do when you have a wolf for an elder sister? It is such a risky proposition. Help me, Mom and Dad, why did you put me in a monster’s lap?
It’s My Birthday

It’s my birthday, not yours. So please, allow me to blow out my candles. This is another hilarious aspect of having a sibling. You can blow your own candles when you have your birthday.
Not Happy Being An Elder Sister

Being an elder sister is not the happiest thing in the world. Especially, when you have to share your own life with not one, but two siblings. You feel like cursing your Mom and Dad for giving birth to twins.
Another Unhappy Elder Sister

The elder-sibling feeling is not limited to one or two individuals. It is a mutual feeling which is shared by all the elder brothers and sisters in this world. After all, who would love to be a part-time nanny and babysitter?
Devil Brother

Brothers are the meanest of the devils that can ruin a sister’s or sisters’ lives. The mean boys love throwing tantrums, and the poor girls have to bear with such a bad child that their parents have imposed on them. Just look at this little brother trying to smack his sisters for leaving him out of the photograph.
Zero Excitement

Enough of all the mean talk between siblings! There is also some love between them. After all, there is also a beautiful bond between siblings. And when they share the love, they share a lot of mutual feelings too. Like this brother and sister duo who were not happy to come on this trip. Just have a look at their sullen faces.
He Had His Share Of The Ice Cream

When there are siblings and icecream, then it can create a war. Just look at this icecream tub. The younger one has had is share and left the rest of the gooey mess without the toppings for the elder one.
Carving The Watermelon

When you have a skillful sibling like this one here, then how in the hell can you be angry on them? This one has cool carving skills. But his intentions are criminal too.
The Cry Baby Pack

Childhood time is so much fun! But not when you have a pack of similarly-aged children. If you have one such pack, expect a lot of laughing, chatter, and above all, loads of crying and wailing around.
That Looney Ballooney

Children love balloons. It comes as no surprise that these girls love balloons too. But a balloon with balls? Not a good idea. The one in the middle has an inappropriately shaped balloon.
Looking So Inappropriate

The brother and sister duo look stark naked. But in fact, this is not the case. Both the siblings had gone for a swim. After that, this picture was clicked. The dressing is more of an illusion because the straps of the monokini of the sister are concealed by her hair. Of course, the boy’s trunks are underneath, so you get an inappropriate photograph.
Younger Sister Mummified

It is not the younger siblings who create trouble all the time. Bigger and elder ones could be the trouble makers too. Here two elder siblings have made a ‘Mummy’ out of the younger one, just because they wanted to see s sequel to The Mummy Returns.
Pose As Rome Burns

We have already talked about siblings sharing a mutual mindset. Here in this picture, both the siblings are posing for the camera unaware of the fact that the forest is burning behind them.
Bite Him Hard

Apart from the yelling, laughing, chatter, and the crying, there is something that you have to deal with when you have more than one child at home. Biting! Here you can see a rabid toddler, planting the vampire’s kiss on his elder sibling.
Sibling Abomination

Two siblings and tons of creativity and you get this result. Here, you see a small girl who has contorted her abnormally large legs in an awkwardly impossible posture. But the inside story is something entirely different. The legs are that of the older sister and the body belongs to the sister whose face you can see in the picture.
The Wrong Potato Placement

The two kids are promoting veganism. How cute! They have a good message for the world where you should not kill the animals. But could you place the potato somewhere else? It looks extremely inappropriate.
Older Brother’s Not Excited

The elder brother does not look excited at all. But the younger one looks like he is enjoying his elder brother’s misery. What a striking contrast!