Sometimes some situations in life are so funny, that you cannot help but laugh out loud. And it is a good thing to have a good laugh once in a while because you never know when things might get serious. But do you know what’s even greater than the humor? It is the fact that some people make people laugh even when they are at the brink of facing a disaster.
Like this mother-of-five, Amy Cook decided to stick notes all over the store so that she could add some happiness to other peoples’ lives. As many wise men and women have said, all superheroes do not wear capes. Amy acted in such a selfless way that we can only appreciate her for her efforts.
1. Homeschooling Problems

When children are at home, it is extremely different to control them. They are rarely stationary and create mischief wherever they go. This drives parents to the brink of craziness and they so wish that the schools would reopen and kids would stay there for six to eight hours.
2. Please Ask The Kids To Stay At A 6-Feet Distance

Amy has been facing a lot of roughing from people because she has a large family to feed. So just to give a few smiles and a bit of scare to the people out there, she came up with a brilliant plan. What do you all say?
3. Right Now There Is No Vacancy

Moms job is a 24-hour job. And being locked with your immediate family members means that there is no time to relax and no space in the house. According to Amy, the house is filled to max capacity.
4. This Message Sounds A Bit Creepy

Amy has written a note which is something along the lines of dialogue in the movie, Silence Of The Lambs. With so many people being conscious about touching something that they don’t want to, then the squeezes will have to apply the lotion on the skin.
5. A Big Day

With nothing else to do apart from household chores, there’s nothing else that you could do apart from sleeping. So Amy has informed us how long she has slept. Now she’s got to do a whole lot of washing and somehow she isn’t game for it.
6. You Need To Be Out Of The Fart’s Range

In these times, when you need to have social distancing at all times, then you need to be at a distance of six feet from each other. But if you can still smell people’s farts, then you are not far enough. It is a funny joke that Amy has put on the antacid counter.
7. There’s Some Secret In The Postponement

Now, this is a sensible question to ask. The show has been delayed, no doubt, but does it make Post Malone, Postponement Malone? Who knows. We are all extremely tired to focus on this one.
8. This Piece Of Advice Goes Out Of The Window

When you have five kids in the house, you cannot help but feel crazy with them stuffed inside. That is why Amy disagrees with the screen time. We should understand her feelings and empathize with her.
9. Tom Hanks Is Under The Weather

As Amy explains the plight of the employees, she also cracks a joke on the name of the ball’s company. Then she reminds of the time, Tom Hanks was playing Mr Wilson’s role in Dennis the menace. Tom would have shouted out but as the world knows he’s a bit under the weather now.
10. Linda Cannot Listen To Anybody With These On

Customers are being extra rude these days. They have to strive extra hard to collect supplies, and when they don’t find them, they vent out their frustration on the store’s employees. So, Amy has the perfect solution for you. These headphones.
11. That Is For Sure

This year, 2020 has been bringing bad news. So Amy is trying to lighten the mood by making a tech joke. She wants to re-install the year. All of us would have liked that to happen Amy. But it is the one over us all who can reboot the entire planet back to its happy days.
12. What Do You Need This Calendar For?

You will only require a planner or a calendar if there is work in the future. The way this year has started it looks like there won’t be a lot of work for a long, long time.
13. These Caps Could Be Used In Place Of Toilet Paper

Being a sports fan, Amy is disappointed as all the major sports events – MLB, NFL, NBA have been cancelled, and it seems that there won’t be many sporting events in near future also. So what will people use these Michigan sports accessories for? They could be used in place of toilet paper.
14. It’s Certainly A Bad Time For Sneezing And Coughing

Earlier people used to bless you when you sneezed or coughed. Sneezes, in particular, are attached to a lot of superstitions. But nowadays, you just sneeze once and people think that you have shot somebody. Or worse, that you are loaded with TNT.
15. Those Were The Days You Used Lots Of Hand Sanitizer

When did you use so much sanitizer last time? According to Amy, you used gallons of soap only when you had to rub off the ‘no entry’ mark planted by the bouncer at the night club. Now, everybody is using tons of sanitizer to stay safe.
16. It Is A Big Game, You Bet It Is

All this hoarding and being locked inside the house makes you think that your childhood has returned. And that you are playing a big game of cooties.
17. These Days We Are All Doing The Same Thing

Nobody does anything and they are all willing away the time, waiting, when all this would end. These lines have become the motto for the year.
18. Is This A Game We Are Logged Into? Because I Want To Log Out!

It seems like everybody on this planet has been locked into the game of Jumanji and nobody can get out. Somehow, you have an uncanny feeling about this situation.
19. It Is A Tried And Tested Formula

When nothing else works, liquor surely shows some results. You don’t believe our wisdom. Go ahead and try it yourself. We are sure you are going to have a lovely time.
20. You Need The Biggest Bottle You Can Afford To Have

The lockdown will last for months. So when you are at the wine aisle, make sure you grab the biggest bottle that will be enough for more than a year.
21. Get The Wine Mixer, Will You?

This bottle is the best effing wine mixer and you shouldn’t give it a miss, because it is going to be your loyal friend for this time when you are locked inside. We understand your pain, Amy.
22. For Now, The Airport Rules Apply In Homes Also

The level of stress you have these days, you can start applying the airport rules to your house also. You can pour in a pint or two just so that you can face your own family.
23. No More Chocky Milk? Baby Yoda Is Sad

Kids love to have chocolate milk. Chocolate acts as a great pacifier also. But thanks to the panic and the hoarding, Amy’s children will not get any of the beverage. Baby Yoda is so sad.
24. Cheese Might Help To Beat It? We Don’t Think So!

If you think extra cheese will help you to beat the stress, then think again. Maybe Amy is talking about the empty rack on the cabinet. That is where the toilet paper used to be.
25. If You Fall Short Of Toilet Paper

If you run out of supplies of toilet paper, then Amy has got a solution for you. You can wash your bum with the help of a body wash. Stop feeling awkward about that.
26. Spongebob Humor Works Just Fine

That’s not a crusty crab, it’s Patrick. However, it would be a bit sensitive if you didn’t tell that to the kids. That’s because kids love Spongebob and all the other characters. It also means extra hard work, because you will have to cook something else for the kids.
27. Have Nuggs Not Drugs

When you are in lockdown then you could face problems if you are addicted to something. Then how do you fend off the craving? There is one solution. Try having nuggets. We promise you by the end of all this, you will be addicted to something new.
28. It Is Not A Great Substitute For Toilet Paper

Coffee filters are not a great substitute for toilet paper. But if you need anything for wiping your bottom clean, then coffee filters aren’t bad either. If only could they filter out the germs as well.
29. Garfield Loves Lasagna

Now when everybody is hoarding supplies, it’s time to stock the lasagna as well. But why only lasagna? That is because Garfield loves Lasagna. If not for yourself or your family, then do it for Garfield. You will, will you?
30. Nobody Is Going To Have Beans During This Period

If you are having beans then that means you are going to feel all bloated and gassy. If everybody is going to be inside the home, then there is going to be a lot of smelly methane after a feast of beans. Be prepared for a stinky explosion.
31. More Milkshake Means More Boys

When there is milkshake around, that means there are going to be a lot of boys. The schools are to blame for turning our boys into sweet-guzzling monsters.
32. You Can Raid The Place If There Are No Aliens In There

If you think Area 51 has the supplies, then be prepared to fight an intergalactic war. You need to fight your way out of this situation so that you do not end up hungry.
33. The Sentiments Have Changed Towards The Sneeze

This is true. Earlier when a person would sneeze, that is the way others would respond. But now, the story is different. One sneeze and everybody heads for cover. They believe that you are going to poison them.
34. This Is Where 2020 Belongs

It seems everybody has had enough of 2020. We wish we could skip through the entire year and head straight to 2021. And in 2020, you belong here.