Google is always right there at our fingertips, so it’s easy to take it for granted sometimes. With that said, their engineers have a lot of fun installing secret features that are just waiting to be found – and we’ve collected the best ones so you don’t have to, hum, Google them!
Holiday Spirit!

We all have horror stories about a missed Mother’s Day present or a Valentine’s Day that slipped our mind. Next time, just search the holiday you’re looking for and Google will pull up the date way in advance, saving you a whole world of stress down the line!
Fast-Food, Fast Facts!

Do you ever sit at your desk just wondering what to have for lunch? Let Google do the work for you – typing in two foods will bring up a list that compares their calorie count and nutritional values, making dieting way easier! Wow!
Hit The Deck!

Next time you’re bored at work, try typing “google gravity” into your browser and clicking “I’m feeling lucky”. I won’t give away what happens, but it’s exactly what it says on the tin!
Here’s A Tip!

Going out for a meal with friends should be relaxing and fun, but trying to work out a tip is always stressful. Why not let Google handle it? Search “tip calculator” and it will do the math for you, no matter how much you want to give or how many of you there are.

Do you ever sit at your desk just wondering what to have for lunch? Let Google do the work for you – typing in two foods will bring up a list that compares their calorie count and nutritional values, making dieting way easier! Wow!
Hit The Deck!

Next time you’re bored at work, try typing “google gravity” into your browser and clicking “I’m feeling lucky”. I won’t give away what happens, but it’s exactly what it says on the tin!
Here’s A Tip!

Going out for a meal with friends should be relaxing and fun, but trying to work out a tip is always stressful. Why not let Google handle it? Search “tip calculator” and it will do the math for you, no matter how much you want to give or how many of you there are.

Next time you’re bored at work, try typing “google gravity” into your browser and clicking “I’m feeling lucky”. I won’t give away what happens, but it’s exactly what it says on the tin!
Here’s A Tip!

Going out for a meal with friends should be relaxing and fun, but trying to work out a tip is always stressful. Why not let Google handle it? Search “tip calculator” and it will do the math for you, no matter how much you want to give or how many of you there are.

Going out for a meal with friends should be relaxing and fun, but trying to work out a tip is always stressful. Why not let Google handle it? Search “tip calculator” and it will do the math for you, no matter how much you want to give or how many of you there are.
Break The Mould!

Google is full of incredibly smart people, but they love a nerdy joke as much as we do! Typing in “Atari Breakout” will turn your laptop into a vintage arcade game, perfect for the next time you find yourself staring into space!
Roll With The Punches!

Ever get stuck with a project and feel like you need a whole new perspective? Ask Google to do a barrel roll and it will do just that!

Some of the jokes Google plays are so subtle, you might not ever notice them! Next time you use “anagram” in a search, check the “Did You Mean” section for some pretty hilarious (and clever!) results.
It’s A Number’s Game

This trick isn’t as fun, but it really does come in handy. Typing minus before a word will banish it from your search – so no more recopies filled with ingredients that literally no-one owns!

Google is full of incredibly smart people, but they love a nerdy joke as much as we do! Typing in “Atari Breakout” will turn your laptop into a vintage arcade game, perfect for the next time you find yourself staring into space!
Roll With The Punches!

Ever get stuck with a project and feel like you need a whole new perspective? Ask Google to do a barrel roll and it will do just that!

Some of the jokes Google plays are so subtle, you might not ever notice them! Next time you use “anagram” in a search, check the “Did You Mean” section for some pretty hilarious (and clever!) results.
It’s A Number’s Game

This trick isn’t as fun, but it really does come in handy. Typing minus before a word will banish it from your search – so no more recopies filled with ingredients that literally no-one owns!

Ever get stuck with a project and feel like you need a whole new perspective? Ask Google to do a barrel roll and it will do just that!

Some of the jokes Google plays are so subtle, you might not ever notice them! Next time you use “anagram” in a search, check the “Did You Mean” section for some pretty hilarious (and clever!) results.
It’s A Number’s Game

This trick isn’t as fun, but it really does come in handy. Typing minus before a word will banish it from your search – so no more recopies filled with ingredients that literally no-one owns!

Some of the jokes Google plays are so subtle, you might not ever notice them! Next time you use “anagram” in a search, check the “Did You Mean” section for some pretty hilarious (and clever!) results.
It’s A Number’s Game

This trick isn’t as fun, but it really does come in handy. Typing minus before a word will banish it from your search – so no more recopies filled with ingredients that literally no-one owns!

This trick isn’t as fun, but it really does come in handy. Typing minus before a word will banish it from your search – so no more recopies filled with ingredients that literally no-one owns!
TV Time!

Binge watching a new TV show is a great feeling, but being confused and not knowing where to start really isn’t. Thankfully, Google is there for all your Netflix needs, typing in a show followed by “episodes” will tell you exactly what you need to know.
Bang! Up To Date!

Sometimes you’ll see a trailer for a movie, and then completely forget about it until it’s way too late to catch it at the theater! However, googling release dates means you’ll never miss a movie, and never be stuck for a date night idea again!
How Time Flies!

Binge watching a new TV show is a great feeling, but being confused and not knowing where to start really isn’t. Thankfully, Google is there for all your Netflix needs, typing in a show followed by “episodes” will tell you exactly what you need to know.
Bang! Up To Date!

Sometimes you’ll see a trailer for a movie, and then completely forget about it until it’s way too late to catch it at the theater! However, googling release dates means you’ll never miss a movie, and never be stuck for a date night idea again!
How Time Flies!

Sometimes you’ll see a trailer for a movie, and then completely forget about it until it’s way too late to catch it at the theater! However, googling release dates means you’ll never miss a movie, and never be stuck for a date night idea again!
How Time Flies!
Booking a flight is stressful enough, worrying about being late is extra pressure you just don’t need. Googling the flight number and airline shows exactly how far along your flight is, whether you’re picking someone up from the airport or need to be on board!
Quick Transformations!

The world is full of confusing flat pack furniture and pretentious foreign cookbooks – and all of them use some really bizarre units to measure things. Next time the conversions have your head spinning, ask Google, and you’ll have the shelf built in no time!

The world is full of confusing flat pack furniture and pretentious foreign cookbooks – and all of them use some really bizarre units to measure things. Next time the conversions have your head spinning, ask Google, and you’ll have the shelf built in no time!
Give It To Me Straight.

Another fun little Easter Egg: If you type “tilt” into Google, that’s exactly what it does! Nope, that’s not your eyes going funny, it’s just the guys over at Google HQ’s idea of a joke.
Bright And Early

Do you always go on holiday and tell yourself you’ll catch the sunrise, but never do? Google will give you the time for anywhere in the world, perfect for getting that gorgeous Facebook cover photo – or beating the jetlag!
In A Rush?

Next time you’re counting down the minutes to 5PM, type “zerg rush” into your browser. You might be under attack from falling o’s, but time will sure pass a lot faster!

Another fun little Easter Egg: If you type “tilt” into Google, that’s exactly what it does! Nope, that’s not your eyes going funny, it’s just the guys over at Google HQ’s idea of a joke.
Bright And Early

Do you always go on holiday and tell yourself you’ll catch the sunrise, but never do? Google will give you the time for anywhere in the world, perfect for getting that gorgeous Facebook cover photo – or beating the jetlag!
In A Rush?

Next time you’re counting down the minutes to 5PM, type “zerg rush” into your browser. You might be under attack from falling o’s, but time will sure pass a lot faster!

Do you always go on holiday and tell yourself you’ll catch the sunrise, but never do? Google will give you the time for anywhere in the world, perfect for getting that gorgeous Facebook cover photo – or beating the jetlag!
In A Rush?

Next time you’re counting down the minutes to 5PM, type “zerg rush” into your browser. You might be under attack from falling o’s, but time will sure pass a lot faster!

Next time you’re counting down the minutes to 5PM, type “zerg rush” into your browser. You might be under attack from falling o’s, but time will sure pass a lot faster!