Social media, especially Facebook has revolutionized the way we interact and has provided us with significant advantages. Count on people posting something stupid; published for the whole world to see. We have collected some of the hilarious examples of Facebook post fails that we could find, here for all of you to enjoy.
With over millions of people sitting online, some things are just meant to happen. Facebook is all about sharing, and everyone shares what they feel gladly on the platform. From pictures to statuses and those bitter fights, or even memes that leave you laughing your heart out for more than an hour, this online platform is the best example when it comes to sharing. 500 million people use Facebook every day to share their stories, news, pictures and videos. And also, a lot of fuckery as in a lot of Facebook post fails. Yes, the amount of silliness that goes down on Facebook is exciting. So much that you’ll fall laughing hard.
From horrible spelling mistakes and grammar to people with no filters, we have a collection of 15 Facebook post fails for your amusement.
1. Isn’t getting a tattoo a lifetime commitment?
While most people think of getting a permanent tattoo done, this guy is getting his like crazy with this kit.

2. Something indicated these two belong together.
We’ve heard like minds attract each other, something entirely different is happening here.

3. So, um… you like Minions??
I love Minions too but this… this is uh!

4. Sexy?? Still looks like a prison outfit.
How many of you would like to take this girl out?

5. Oh my, my! This picture is GOLD! Chairish.
Isn’t this the perfect picture to announce the name of the child to come?

6. Spot on BUSTED!!!
Now that’s what you call, “in the face.”

7. Now if you find this person send you a text, “How you doing?” you know what to say.
We know if you’re a girl, you might be receiving tons of unknown texts asking How you are doing? Count every girl there and if this guy texts you. You know what to answer.

8. You are not anyone. You are anonymous.
How can you be anonymous if you know who you are?

9. He must be loving that freedom but wait… Welcome to Jail again!
Look at what his aunt has to say. Hilarious.

10. Your guitar’s upside down. Oh! Never mind.
Haha. At least learn how to hold it before you post pictures.

11. Mom stop no, that’s not the right caption.
What if your mom does this?

12. Well, he can get “sucker” tattooed on his forehead.
And he put his phone into the microwave.

13. WOAH! I am cringing here.
Ah! Can someone ask this lady to think before she writes?

14. It looks like someone’s giving the new Thesaurus a good workout.
Wow! Such extreme word choices.

15. That is not a search bar, sir and you have probably creeped out Elena.
Elena is shouting for help, probably.

So now, if you see someone post a funny half-baked idea on Facebook, be sure to send us a screenshot!