Fashion and style are the essentials of high profile living. Most of us who are living their lives on this planet end up doing ordinary things. But there are a few trendsetters among us who use their creativity to look different from the crowd. That is how fashion emerged and those who possessed a bit of creativity took full advantage of it and created fabulous things.
However, fashion is expensive and not everybody can afford it. So, some genius blokes came up with replace. Some of them were genius, some were totally disastrous. But all of them are worth a laugh. Let’s check out –
1. The Big Bow Tie Makes You Look Like A Wrapped Gift

I could manage the coat, but the big red bow? Now you would need a tailor who would make things for a giant. But come to think of it, you don’t need anything else, do you? After all, how much is required to look like a big, red buffoon?
2. The Dress Looks Pretty, Not The Guy

The dress is extremely cute, but it is appropriate for a Disney princess whos looks would go very well with this fluffy and cute outfit. Even a model from NYFW could don it. But this guy looks more like a hen strutting in pink.
3. Forget The Fashion, Just Hand Me The Beer

These funny home couture ideas have such a great comparative effect. It makes you wonder how weird the world of high-end fashion really could be. Your ‘classy’ look can be recreated with cellophane tape and a fluffy bathrobe, then why waste the money on something that is way too bizarre.
4. Stupid Straitjacket

Now, what kind of a bummer is that? The lady on the left looks like a milky white lantern or something. Fashion can be really weird sometimes. The designers waste millions of dollars to come up with this? Just look at the man on the right, he recreated the look with a bedsheet.
5. The Stupid Face On The Dress

The dress on the left would have taken thousands of manhours, all because of the face in the black net fabric. The dress on the right, however, would take around a fraction of the time. You just needed a face on the dress, right?
6. Cardboards Are So Cheap

Again, the outfit on the left would require excessive labour. Just look at how much of a painstaking effort it is. Getting this clumsy fabric and stitching it into a dress, Phew! But the costume on the right requires little effort, lots of innovation and a cardboard cutter, and you are ready to show off your stylish dress.
7. The Bedroom On The Head

It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, you need to have some fashion sense. Otherwise, you are a regular commoner who has got no class and sass. But if you have to just carry your bedroom on your head, then these things do not matter. Who would have thought that the quilt and the pillow could make a dress?
8. You Could Even Read The News, Daily!

Fashion which could fill in the role of a daily utility is so convenient and useful. Sarah Jessica Parker has always been in the news, but donning a newspaper in public takes it to the next level. No wonder the imitation looks like bad news.
9. You Have To Just Look Like A Plant

When you decide to dress up like a plant, there’s not much we can do. Although the outfit on the left is somewhat of a masterpiece, its imitation looks like a dried-up banana plant. Only if we had watered it enough, then it might have grown into something strong and sturdy.
10. Mrs Sponebob Square Jacket

How geometrical would you like to look? I mean everybody would like to have a shape to their body? But so straight and rectangular? Nobody would dare to wear such a dress. But these two women have the guts to look like Mrs Spongebob Squarepants or should we say Squarejacket? What am I even writing?
11. This Dress Looks Like A Child’s Colouring Book

Just have a look at the pattern. The sections are numbered and the look is so papery. This thing looks straight out of a child’s coloring book. Where are my crayons? None of the dresses is better than the other. Absolute disaster, both of them.
12. The Trashbag Couture

Now, this granny on the left looks classy in all the leather and the black. But this tramp on the right had her own interpretation. She put on a trashbag packet and has created her own interpretation of the dress. But is she to blame for destroying the look? I think she has done the appropriate thing.
13. Noodle Stilettos

When you can get an imitation at the fraction of the price of the original, why would you waste your hard-earned money on something that looks equally crappy? The shoes on the left look like noodles. Then why not put real noodles, because they come really cheap.
14. The Ragdoll Look

What kind of look is that? I wouldn’t wear these tatters to any high-end gathering. That is, only if that is an event for fools from all around the world. You can’t blame this girl for further destroying the look, because both of the dresses look atrocious as hell.
15. The Bedroom Look Part 2

Another sleepy-looking dress in the making. Again, why waste your bank balance over such rotten looks? But this costume makes me stifle a yawn. It is not even worth writing a description for this dress.
16. Fashion Or Wrestling?

Who would like a tombstone piledriver? What sort of fashion is this, by the way? Carrying a person around is classy? I think the designer needs to get their brains checked before they even sit on the drawing board and the sewing machine.
17. Looks Like A Bouquet

Why use plastic flowers, when you can have real ones? Why invest thousands of dollars to look like a bouquet with fake blooms. And you know what, you could even get fresh flowers every day. What kind of nitwit designers are these who create such awful dresses?
18. The Greek Disaster

This is not a dress, it is a catastrophe. If you want to look like Cleopatra, then you should have a sense of style. A sheer fabric wrap with multi-colored stoles? Please, give me a break. It’s better to have a bedsheet and look like an ancient Greek native. At least, it doesn’t put your underwear on display.
19. Would You Wear A Carry Bag?

Now, who would wear a carry bag. I mean, what was the designer thinking when he was designing this dress? Is this even practical? I don’t think so. It would be better if my dog sported the look. At least, that would save some bitching.
20. The Human Trash Can

This is a fashion trend that seems to be getting out of hand. Just look at the glossy fabric on both sides of the pic. The expensive leather doesn’t look any different from the black cellophane. And on top of that, they have even got a lid to complete the trash can look.
21. Giant Black Earthworms?

Doesn’t that dress look like a bunch of giant worms? The dress isn’t what I or anybody else would like to wear at any sort of party. I don’t like the wormy look anyway. It makes me want to scream or squirm. Totally uneasy with this look.
22. No Comments About This One, Okay?

When you have exquisite dresses like these, it is sure to draw a lot of inspiration from all corners of the world. But a bald guy with black underwear and wearing a cheap imitation of the highly fashionable dress on left, doesn’t match my idea of beautiful. Do you all agree with me?
23. From The Perspective Of A Candy Wrapper

When you want to look like a candy wrapper, then you need to look all sweet and succulent. But all of this needs a perspective. Just look at the two versions of the same dress. One is designed on the lines of a candy wrapper. The other one is a real candy wrapper.
24. A Victorian Mummy

On the left, you have an extreme example of embroidery. On the right, you have a bedsheet with a man and dog stuffed in it. Both of them look the same, don’t they? To hell with the Victorian-era fashion.
25. As Close As It Can Get

These two dresses don’t have much of a distinction, but there is a difference between elegant and drab. Just reminds you how chaotic a cheap imitation could be. You would be rejected outright if you wore this to your date.
26. Not Quite Musical

A dress with a guitar or a guitar placed strategically? What would you prefer? If you value my opinion, I would recommend that you wear none of those, because both of them are disastrous in their own way.
27. Are Both Of Them Human Or Are They Zombies?

If you ask me, both of them look like they have come straight out of a nightmare. The look in their eyes could give you the chills. Both of them could star in a horror movie with this appearance. All I can say is ‘Yikes!’
28. Check And Mate

While the dress on the left could easily cost you 1000 USD, the dress on the right is what you would get from the discount section of Walmart’s with a 9.99 USD price tag.
29. The Helicopter Will Come Crashing Down

Fashion can be strange at times because it is a representation of your imagination. The look on the left is one such example but look at its recreation. What you see on the right gives you a digital feel, doesn’t it?
30. Metallic Feathers

It looks as if two mutants from the X-Men franchise are on the loose and they are going to burn down the whole world with them. Somehow, this doesn’t look exciting. It looks more like danger is on the prowl.
31. I Want To Cry For Real

Tears are what you will get out of me and not my money. When fashion reaches this level of atrocity, it can evoke the raw emotions inside you. Surely, I am not going to swipe my credit card for these two pieces of crap.
32. The Jolie Cat

Angelina Jolie always had a feline look but this comparison takes it to the next level. If the cat can simply get away with the pose and butter paper, then I Jolie well can live without buying this costly evening gown.
33. The Big Hump Ragdoll

No way you are going to make me spend a fortune on something that makes me look like a humpback from those fantasy movies. But I can very well pay you with a silver bullet, that is if you want one.
34. The Greenery Is All That Matters

Any type of foliage will do. Garden dresses are always lovely and stay in trend, but who would want to wear something that makes them look like a flowery shrub.
35. Somehow, I Do Not Want To Buy This Skirt

If only the skirt had been designed in a better manner, then you could have sold the dress to the people. But the boy on the right simply destroys the look and wants to make you reconsider your decision to buy that outfit.
36. Killer Outfit

If looks would kill, then it would be with these dresses. Somehow we don’t get tired of comparing the costly black leather with a trash bag. And what is wrong with the lips? Are they stung by bees? Or do you get an allergic reaction when you drink blood? Teach them how to wear lipstick.
37. That Looks Like Chicken Pox

With a color riot like this one, it looks like you have had a disease. So many spots and an awkward design makes both the dresses look bad. You can’t blame the imitator for destroying the outfit, because the one on the left is equally bad.
38. Pitch That Pitcher Over The Head

Oversized outfits never work. The cap and the pitcher look the same. And why would you require a suitcase? That too with leaves on it. God, all this is giving me a headache. Fashion sucks and home couture rocks!
39. Futuristic Disaster

Do even aliens experience fashion disasters? The sharp-looking sunglasses and the red wrap around makes the cut. Looking on the right, there is not much different from what you see on the left. Most of the times, fashion is just a rip-off.
40. Silver All The Way

Who needs silvery satin, when silver foil can help you nail that look? But the girl on the right reminds me of freshly baked bread. Fashion can be so overwhelming, it can drive you out of your senses. No wonder the girl needs a drink.