Life for a short person is full of challenges. Challenges that are there for normal-sized people are different from short sized people. Regular people just don’t understand the problems. But remember one thing, being short also has its advantages also.
But there are times when this height disadvantage is a real pain in the rear. Be it going to a concert, or looking in the mirror, or buying clothes. You will often see short people doing all sort of acrobatics for reaching places they can’t. But you won’t understand as we say it. Have a look at the pictures we have given and you will get a clear picture.
Here are 40 short people problems only that only people with short height will understand –
1) Mirrors

Being of a short height means you need to strategically place all the mirrors that are hung inside in your home. You can manage these things properly if and only if you live alone. Or if you have other short folks in your house, then you will get a hint on how to hang the mirrors. If you belong to a family of tall people, you are an S.O.L(stupid old loser).
2) Chairs

Short people need to spend a lot of their time grabbing a chair from here or there. The chair comes in handy when you have stand upon it to reach things that are up high. Apparently, you could also solve the problem if you yell at tall people.
3) Re-Adjust

Short people can’t just get and start driving any car. Just like regular-sized people can’t just jump into a short person’s car and start to drive, the reverse case also happens. There is going to be a lot of readjusting of seats because of the height difference and it is what there going to have to take place.
4) Head Above Water

Maybe swimming is a big ordeal for girls with short height. My head would not be above the level of water in the 5 feet deep portion of the pool since I am just 4′ 11″.5. My nose could have hovered above water if I stand on my stubby toes. I would have looked like this seal in the deep end.
5) The Top Shelf

Short people have another fear to face. Short people have always dreaded the top shelf of closets and racks. Short people should try to avoid putting things up on a high rack if they can. If they cannot stop doing that then they better have a sturdy chair handy on which they can stand on and reach that specific object.
6) Vertically Challenged

“Wow, you’re way too short!” It’s an oft-repeated line most short people have heard most of their lives. But they should get used to it because you will always be taunted for not having enough height. Try to ignore these small things on your way to success.
7) Reach

This is what it looks like when a short person tries to grab on to stuff. They end up reaching the thing but cannot reach down. Have a look at this picture, what does it seem like? It appears that she’s hanging there for her life.
8) Group Pictures

Short girls shouldn’t even bother about being in group photos with family and friends. Unless they are going to be in the front, they should avoid getting clicked because they will never be noticed. These short people will have to stand on their stubby-toes to be seen in the group photograph. Like this short lady in here, she is trying her best to be seen.
9) Short In Everything

Being short heighten doesn’t mean you just have a short body, your legs are short. And you have a short torso as well. You have everything small, including your arms. If you are way smaller, then you would be mistaken for a doll.
10) The Clothes At The Bottom Of The Washing Machine

This is how it looks like when a short person does his/her laundry. They almost fall down into everything, be it the water tub or the washing machine. That’s how we get the laundry if it is lying at the bottom of the washing machine.
11) Shoe Shopping

This is what it looks like when short people go shopping. At least, that is how it seems to be when we try to get those specific pair of shoes off that top shelf. Why do those bloody shelves have to be so high?
12) Stride

Obviously, taller people have longer strides than shorter people. That’s the reason why it can be extremely hard to keep up with them if you are short one among the group. You practically have to jog or even run to catch up if you want to stay with them.
13) Getting the Job Done

It can be extremely hard for a short person, but short people still manage to get the job done by hook or crook. No matter what the obstacle be before them, they find a way to get the job done.
14) Jokes

People all over the world love to make lots of short jokes with short people but they don’t realize that we shorties also feel bad about this. But these tall palm trees think they are safe. They don’t realize that short people won’t fight back. They don’t know that we short people are the fiercest of fighters, and we are extremely quick.
15) Child Sized

Child-sized items can work all sorts of wonders for short people. Don’t believe it? Then have a look at the door in the picture. We could fit right through it. Not only that, clothing, accessories, play items. Even this door.
16) Same Height

This short girl can easily reach to the top shelf. But she can achieve the impossible only if she’s standing over a counter. In normal situations, the counter would have broken down. That’s why she’s the perfect size for it.
17) Lightbulb Impossible

Trying to do the chores around the house isn’t particularly easy when you are of short height. This can be so dangerous. She’s standing on her twinkle toes even when she is on a ladder. And you know what, she still can’t make it!
18) The Exact Clothes Problem

This picture is pretty accurate for short girls who are trying to buy clothes for themselves. You can’t buy most of the clothes that are available in the stores without having to hem them. You are always on your tiptoes to get things done in an orderly manner. Your feet can rarely reach the ground when you are sitting on a stool or something.
19) Pants Need Hemming

All pants for shorter persons need to be hemmed when you are a short person. That’s why safety pins are a short person’s best friend in need. Still, you feel bad because it seems like all the clothes in this world are made way longer than they require to be.
20) Short Advantages

This is one of the rare examples when being a person of short height comes in handy to the person themselves. Normally this small blanket would come up to your waist or to your chest. Now, this lucky person has got themselves a full-size body blanket.
21) Forever Young

Short people all over the world look young forever. Why? That’s a mystery. We, short people, are always asked for our ID wherever we go, especially to the pub. Sometimes, there are instances when we even get mistaken for fourth-grade school students.
22) Ducking

Being of a shorter height means you never have to duck to get through low-rise doors or sit in a small car. That’s because you are always of the right height to easily clear it. But one cannot imagine by looking at this picture, that how does this girl even get in that monster truck?
23) Making the Bed

Making your own bed can be such a pain in the rear when you’re short. Especially if your bed is against the wall. First, you have to climb your bed while you try moving the sheet. You are kneeling on the sides of the bed simultaneously. If you don’t try these awkward poses, you can’t really reach that corner to collect the bedsheet.
24) The Sunline

All the cars in the world weren’t exactly made for short people. Why do I say that? There’s always a hassle when I get into a Ford truck. I have issues reaching the steering. When regular people drive, the sun doesn’t fall on their faces. That’s because the window and visors of the car are at the right height for them. But all is lost when you are a short girl.
25) Crop Top

If you are buying clothes when you are short can be quite tricky. Most of the things are usually longer than expected. But if you are buying short things like crop tops, but when you are might find that they fit just right.
26) On Top of the Fridge

There is one question I would like to ask you. Does your family have a short person? Then make it a point that you don’t keep things on top of your refrigerator. They won’t be able to see or reach there. It’s just cruel on them.
27) Kids Clothes

We have already discussed crop tops fitting you perfectly. If you feel that crop tops don’t work for you, then you can also try out kids’ clothes. This woman is 22 years old. Since she has a small height, she has to wear clothes which are meant for 11-year-olds.
28) Innovation

When you are of a short height, you have to learn to innovate. Short people have to create their own tools. They also have to invent a means of getting things done by themselves. Here’s one funny example, you have to use tongs to get things off high shelves.
29) Asking For Help

When you are of short height, then it means one thing only – you are constantly asking others for help. There are a lot of instances when you will even have to wait for somebody to get you out of trouble. And the worst part, you have to approach almost everybody – from strangers, store clerks, family, and anyone else. You will have to find the savior who will help you get things you can’t reach.
30) Old Ladies

There might be an instance when you might even need to ask old ladies for helping you pick up a thing at a height. There’s always a probability that they might be taller than you despite their crooking or shrinking.
31) The Little Sister

Your age doesn’t matter if you are a person who has a short height. People will not be able to find out how old you actually are. When you are short, everyone will always think you are the younger sibling in the family and they do this without failing.
32) Dress Coat

Even coats become full-length outfits for you. Look at this picture. This outfit is supposed to be a long coat. But because of her short stature, it looks more like a dress on her.
33) Ankle Length

These ankle-length pants aren’t ankle-length pants when you are vertically challenged. Just like the coat, these pants also become more like full-length pants. What can you do? You will have to roll those trousers up or get them sewn at the hem.
34) Put Your Face In

Be it a group photo or a solo photo, you will always have to bear the brunt of your short height. It’s always hard for all short people to get a good photo op. That’s because the shorty family are always short for those “put your face in” drawings or cutouts. Life is not fair!
35) Chest Length Pants

Have you ever heard of a pair of trousers that are chest-length? Short people always find a pair of these. Most of the pants they come across are of chest length.
36) Edge of My Seat

Most of the short people are always on the edge of their seat. Whether it is the movie theater or the dentist’s chair, the short people are always facing a problem with this sitting on the edge thing. It is not because they are interested in solving the problem or are plainly anxious.. It’s because we want our feet on the ground.
37) Short Girl Cycle

Do you remember the show, America’s Next Top Model? It had a cycle for girls who were either 5′ 7″ or shorter than that. But you are even shorter than that, probably under 5′ 2″.
38) Arm Rest

Every short person in this world has heard that they are like an armrest. We are by no means anyone’s armrest. If you really want an armrest, why don’t you purchase a real one
39) Grocery Shopping

Looking at this picture, this has always been my case at the grocery store. There are several instances when this has happened. Those frozen peas packets aren’t going to come off the rack of the shelf by themselves. So again, you need help.
40) Workout

Trying to cook something in your regular-sized kitchen can quickly turn from a simple chore into a workout. You have to jump up and down again and again on cabinets. That can take a toll on you. This tedious workout almost makes you not want to bake brownies.