Love is a really strong emotion. It makes you feel things beyond anything and everything. When a person, be it a man or a woman falls in love with someone, they don’t let the trials break them. On the other hand, they know they have to go through all the trials hand in hand and come out of them victoriously. Will Seaton, was in love with a girl named Ashley Schaus and while he did not exactly go through a trial but he proved that he loves Ashley more than his words could ever say. When he was about to propose her, he thought of proposing her sister Hanna Schaus too and that too for a really shocking reason.
Now, you must be thinking how this possible?
Brace yourself for we are about to tell you a heartwarming yet shocking story.
Meet the man, Will Seaton who proved it out loud to the world that love exists.

Will Seaton proposed his girlfriend along with her sister!

Will’s girlfriend, Ashley’s sister is a special child. She has Down syndrome and diabetes, all at the same time.

When Will proposed his girlfriend he knew how important Hanna was for her sister and how necessary it was to take her permission as well.

He went ahead with the proposal and gave both the girls rings as a promise to love them.

He gave Ashley an engagement ring, whereas her sister, Hannah received the sisters’ grandmother’s ring.

Isn’t that heartwarming?
Ashley said, “I told him we were a package deal when we started dating in 2010.”
She added, “The three of us are best friends.”

Hanna said, “He takes me fishing and makes funny jokes. He makes me laugh and takes care of me.”

Now, isn’t this bond a blessing to everyone? The man is serious #boyfriendgoals.