We have all seen various T-shirt designs that are pretty interesting. While many designs are pretty insightful and knowledgable, others are outright hilarious. There are many instances where the people wearing the T-shirts have no idea what the joke is and that makes them even more hilarious. The question is whether you will be someone who would try on these T-shirts for innocent fun or not?
The Blonde Stereotype

Everyone knows about the stereotype that blondes are a little dumb. We have to wonder if that is why she is wearing a T-shirt that has a College typo in it or if she really loves collages.
Looking Fat

One of the questions that is the most common reason behind the fights among couples is “Do I look fat in this?” However, this girl turned that question around and it will make you think twice before you answer.
It Does Suck

This T-shirt is quite fitting for the circumstance and that is because it does suck for the guy to be arrested. Perhaps the police did not have any concrete evidence against him and are just arresting him for being who he is or perhaps he did something wrong. Who knows?
You’re Not A Duck

There are some situations you just don’t want to get involved in. If one of those situations is seeing one guy making it up to a friend of his, then maybe that’s their issue to resolve. Just for the record – don’t call your friend a duck.
Verdict’s In

You know, when you go shopping for hysterical t-shirts, maybe try to choose one that isn’t orange with the text “GUILTY” on it. All it does is make you look like a prisoner who is guilty of the crime that he is accused of.
He Did Beat It

By the looks of the guy’s health, we can safely say that he did beat anorexia and that he is no longer suffering from a loss of appetite.
Attracting Them Towards You

It would be quite hilarious if the guy in the picture bought the T-shirt as a joke to wear around his girlfriend. We just have to wonder if the girl was angry about his high confidence.
Everyone Gets A Piece

This guy is pretty confident that he will get a lot of ladies. Perhaps that is why he is wearing the T-shirt saying that there is enough of him to satisfy multiple ladies at once.
Miss Almost Famous

If you think about it, everyone is a little famous and everyone is close to being almost famous. After all, the only thing that we are all missing is a little fame.
Dating Standards

This guy clearly has high standards when it comes to dating. Or perhaps, he has no idea as to what is written on his T-shirt and is just wearing it because he thought that the color was good.