When depression hits, we tend to feel mentally, emotionally, and physically drained. And there’s a perfectly logical explanation for this, some of which is physical, and not solely psychological. So if you’re struggling with depression or know someone who is, then here’s why it makes us feel so run down all the time.
There’s A Physical Explanation To Your Fatigue

When we’re hit with depression, we experience low mood, withdrawal and concentration issues, but these feelings aren’t all psychological. Depression affects neurotransmitters that are linked with alertness and the reward system. As a result, our energy levels take a dive. Think about that the next time your batteries run down in the middle of work, school, or travel plans.
But Depression Might Keep You Up At Night

Depressed people tend to spend a lot of time in bed and we do mean a lot! Many of them don’t even get up to use the restroom or make themselves breakfast. But here’s the worst part: while they may stay in bed for long periods of time, that doesn’t really mean they’re getting the rest they need. They have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. They might not sleep deeply enough or wake up way too early. This negatively affects their body’s ability to get a recuperative sleep, leading to feelings of extreme fatigue.
It Can Also Mess With Your Motivation

Depression causes our motivation to tank so low it redefines the meaning of the term “rock bottom”. This makes even the simplest tasks, like getting dressed, buying groceries or saying hi to a neighbor, emotionally and physically exhausting because the energy required for these seemingly mindless tasks just isn’t there.
Even Thinking Can Be Exhausting

Have you ever heard people say that it hurts to think sometimes? Well, depression can often make us feel like there’s a dense fog around our brain. This makes it impossible to focus on some of the simplest everyday tasks. We’ll even struggle to make decisions at home, at school, or at work. Eventually, that inner battle will leave us feeling so exhausted that our only option will be to hit the bed and wait for tomorrow to come.
Depression And Fatigue Are Cyclical

Most people have to go on with their lives even when they are depressed. But those who push themselves to get through the day wind up experiencing even more fatigue, which in turn intensifies the depression. This leads to a never-ending cycle of tiredness and depression. If the loop isn’t broken, it can cause long-term debilitating depression.
Regular Tiredness Can Cause Stress Too

While depression can cause us to feel physically and emotionally drained, chronic stress, chronic illness, and sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep apnea can cause depression too. So, it’s important to get to the root of fatigue or depression. This may involve running a self-diagnostic and cutting down on the workload. Making lifestyle changes like exercising more, meditating and taking more time for ourselves is also instrumental in breaking out of the funk and increasing our energy levels. It doesn’t hurt to stop for a minute, evaluate yourself, and seek help when you aren’t able to cope on your own. And if you’re stressed out about work, take a few days off to recharge your batteries and see a doctor.