Many people would do anything to become a celebrity, but few ever actually make it. This is the story of one woman who did – not by being herself, but by following in Lady Gaga’s footsteps. Literally. Donna Trego dropped everything in her life – and spent her life savings – to become just like the queen of weird. And you’ll never believe how it turned out…
Almost As Famous
Lady Gaga is a superstar. A megastar. A hyperstar. She’s one of the biggest pop icons of the 21st century. Who can come close to her? Well, how about Donna Trego, the Welsh woman who became a Lady Gaga impersonator – and in the process, become almost as famous as the popstar herself?

She Wasn’t Born This Way
Donna Marie Trego’s life was once pretty mundane. She was born and lived in the tiny town of Dinas Powys, in Wales, and at 34 years old she was just a backup singer. There was somewhat of a resemblance to the more famous Lady Gaga, but no-one really noticed it…

Where It All Started
Then Lady Gaga came to Wales in 2010, and everything changed. She was asked to perform for a Lady Gaga cover band, the same night as the real star’s performance, at a local pub. Donna had never attempted any of her songs before, but when she came on stage the crowd was shocked

That’s A Fair Bit Of Coin
Donna was incredible, and a new star was born. Still, she had to complete the transformation. Over the next couple of years, she shelled out an insane $100,000 for minor surgery and costumes, including the famous shoulder pads. With the makeover done, she took it on tour and never looked back.

Keeping It In The Family
The real Lady Gaga has an army of assistants and slaves, but Donna’s a little bit more modest. She may have the looks, but she doesn’t have the ego, and she actually gets her family to help her out on tour. Her husband, an IT technician, is now a rock star manager, while her sister organizes the stage effects and costumes. The whole thing is just so damned cute.

Winning Awards For Her Work
Let’s be honest: Donna Trego is amazing. She looks like Gaga, sings like Gaga, and almost has the same sized following as Gaga. And she’s been handsomely rewarded now, winning the Best Impersonator at the Tribute Awards and two Gay Oscars for her stunning work.

A Life Of Luxury
Imagine being called up in Turkey for an urgent appearance, then having your own personal helicopter fly you over to Monaco to perform. That’s the kind of life that Donna Trego now leads. She’s basically an A-list rock star herself.

Now, She Travels The World
The money and the accolades aren’t the only perks of Donna Trego’s new wild life. Just like Ldy Gaga, she now spends her time touring the world, performing sold-out concerts to fans who can’t quite afford the real thing. Or just can’t get enough of Gaga.

The Fans Can’t Tell The Difference
In fact, fans of Lady Gaga often can’t even tell the difference between the two women. Walking through Belfast one day in costume, Donna stunned music fans who thought she was the real thing. Within minutes, she had a crowd of hundreds flocking to see her and gush their love – naturally, she didn’t exactly tell them the truth.

The Best Thing She’s Ever Done
Listen to any A-list celeb these days, and all they seem to do is complain about hard being famous is. Not Donna Trego, who loves the attention, the fame, and the wads and wads of cash. She rates becoming Lady Gaga as quite simply the best thing she’s ever done. We’d have to agree there.