One could argue that there’s no shortage of good parents in the world. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a fair share of bad parents either. So when the parents on this list decided to behave like humongous jerks, people caught them in the act and decided to share with the rest of us, and we couldn’t be more grateful, even though we’re cringing hard from second-hand embarrassment.
Standing on The Table

These parents are completely neglecting their child who is standing on top of the table at this Whataburger restaurant. That poor kid is probably just doing this to grab their attention, but they’re too busy sucking at life to pay attention to the little one.
How Dare You?

This woman seems to think that it’s perfectly normal to change her baby’s diaper on top of an Old Navy Clothing display. And yet somehow, she’s completely shocked and dismayed that someone would snap a photo of her and her baby.
That’s Just Disrespectful

This little girl’s parents don’t seem to care that she’s playing on the Vietnam Women’s Memorial statue while veterans watch in horror. You can’t blame the child since the parents never taught her any respect.
Diaper on The Freaking Plate

There are bathrooms with changing tables at most restaurants. There was no need to change the child’s diaper in the dining area and then leave it on the plate. Seeing something like this would put people off to restaurants for life.
Turn The Volume Down

These parents took their kid to a restaurant and put a movie on with the volume on blast for him on their tablet. They had no consideration for other paying customers whose dining experience was undoubtedly ruined. And now, the whole internet knows about it.
They Left Their Baby

Someone left their baby all alone in their stroller outside of this H&M store. We can’t help but feel like they were hoping that someone would kidnap their child. Some people just shouldn’t have kids if they’re too lazy to push the stroller.
Railings Exist for a Reason

This dad lifted his kids over the railing so they could play with the Lego display version of Beauty and the Beast. Meanwhile, he seems to be too busy messing with his Smartphone while the little ones potentially wreck the display.
Kids Ruined This Theater

Theater employees don’t get paid enough to clean up a child’s mess. Parents need to teach their kids to take responsibility for the mess they make. Otherwise, they’ll grow up expecting others to clean up after them. Just look at that mess!
Changing While Dining

The Health Board would have a field day with this photo. It’s so inconsiderate to change your child’s diaper on a dining table, but do we really need to say it? The restaurant manager should’ve just banned this mom and her family from the establishment.
Diaper in the Boot

You’d have to be raised in a barn to do something as insane as stuffing a dirty diaper inside a child’s boot at Walmart. It’s uncivilized and unnecessary. The parent could have just tossed it in a trash bin. Common sense just isn’t that common anymore!
Clean Up in The Toy Aisle

There should be a way for the store owner to enforce a couple of rules and make parents pay for damages when situations like this arise. At the very least, these parents should be forced to pay for all the damage their kids caused. At the very least, the parents should have offered to clean up this aisle, right?