We should warn you before you begin reading this post. It contains awesome content – facts which you will find hard to believe but are true. However, many of us are so particular, they read even what’s written on food labels at the supermarket. They scan every piece of information that appears in newspapers and tabloids. With such an arsenal of knowledge, these people try to show off their nerdy behavior in front of everybody. Although this never hurts anyone, you would like to get back at them, even for once. So here’s a list of random and awesome facts that are rarely known by one and all. Share them as much as you can.
1. If You Want To Check If A Diamond Is Real, Then You Need To Breathe On It

An expert diamond tester can be extremely expensive. But if you know a small trick, then it is a child’s play. If you want to know whether the diamond that’s studded in your ring is real or fake, then you need to breathe on it and see whether the diamond stays clear or turns foggy. It’s real if it is clear. And if it turns foggy, then it is a cheap fake, and somebody as ripped you of your money.
2. Attaching Wheels To Office Chairs Was Charles Darwin’s Idea

Without wheels on your chair, life would have been such a drag. Who could think of such an idea way ahead of its time? A genius like Charles Darwin, of course! Since Darwin was a workaholic to an extreme degree, he wanted something on which he could sit and could move on it as well. So he came up with this revolutionary idea.
3. The Annual Price Of Charging Your Smartphone Costs Less Than A $1

This fact has been provided by the figures that were published by the US Energy Information Administration in the year 2018. According to the studies conducted by the public body, the average cost per kWh in the US was around $0.13 back then. Charging your phone 4 hours on an average would bring a bill of $1 in a year. That’s pretty cheap. We wish the whole house could be run on the same energy and we could save a lot on power bills.
4. France Was Still Executing People When Star Wars Came Out

Back in the old days, France was a firm believer in capital punishment. When was a person executed last in the country? The final execution by guillotine was conducted on September 10th, 1977. It was during those days when Star Wars hit the theaters. It was the month of May of the same year when the human rights commission had compelled the French government to do away with execution and from that day since the French state has not sentenced people to death.
5. Animals Avoid Going Near Power Lines Because They Get Frightened From UV Flashes
The only mammals on this planet that cannot see the Ultraviolet rays are humans and apes. So, you must have seen many monkeys getting an electric shock from the wires. The other species can see ultraviolet flashes near wires, so they keep at bay.
6. Betty White Is Older Than Sliced Bread

If you are wondering how that can be, then read closely in between lines. We are referring to sliced bread. The bread was invented centuries ago. For many centuries, bread was sold as a whole loaf so that it could remain fresh. It was cut into big chunks or was baked in vessels of the size that were easy to handle. So people had to take a whole piece. However, in the industrial age, consumerism came into effect, and loaves of bread were distributed in a sliced form. It was convenient for both the baker/seller and the consumer who could use it on a piece-by-piece basis. Sliced bread was invented by Otto Frederick Rohwedder in 1928, whereas the popular actress Betty White was born in 1922.
7. Even The Mars Curiosity Rover Celebrates Its Birthday

Do you know what the Mars Curiosity Rover is? It is a car-sized wagon that was sent to the red planet as a part of NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission. Every year on August 5th, it has its anniversary(or birthday as many of us would call). The Curiosity Rover sings the happy birthday song for itself.
8. You Get White Ice Cubes If You Use Tap Water And Transparent Ones If You Use Boiled Water

When you use boiled water for making the ice cubes, then they form transparent ones. That’s because boiling dissolves the air present in the water. This is what makes the ice cubes cloudy. So now, you know a cool trick.
9. Earl Wild Was The First One In The World To Give A Live Concert On Television

Earl Wild has some firsts to his name. He was the first person in the world to deliver a live concert. After establishing his name in the history books, his performance became the first online concert on the internet as well, but this was after 58 years.
10. You Would Have To Click A Mouse 10 Million Times To Burn 1 Calorie

Now that seems to be one heck of a target. You put a lot of effort into it, but the result is not per the hard work. You can burn a calorie in any way you want, but if you want to do it by clicking a mouse, then you will have to repeat the freaking thing around ten million times. Even by smiling on this fact, you can burn more than that.
11. When Salvador Dali’s Body Was Exhumed In 2017, His Mustache Was Intact

When Salvador Dali’s body was brought out from the grave and then out of the coffin, there was something strange about it. His mustache was the same, just like it was on the day of his death. It seems like his mustache was made out of something exceptional. If the world were to end, then too, it would remain like that.
12. Taking A Hot Bath Burns The Same Calories As A 30-Minute Walk

See! it is so easy to burn those stubborn calories. And, imagine that too without putting all that excruciating exercise. So, you do not need to wake up early in the morning for a jog. Mustering up all the energy to wake up leaves you with a sort of a hangover. Getting out the bed, that too in winters, is an arduous task, and heading out for a walk in the fog isn’t everybody’s idea of an exercise. So, just fill up your hot water tub and get ready for a skinny dip. And, it is way better than clicking your mouse 10 million times. There are quite several ways to sweat it out.
13. A Paper Cut Is More Painful Than A Regular Cut

This is so because the cut you get from the blade of a paper never bleeds. This means that the nerve endings stay open and in contact with air. This keeps the nerve endings irritated all the time and since there is no blood, the gap is not covered. The blood’s clotting capability keeps the nerve endings safe and does not keep the wound in the open.
14. Some Japanese Traffic Lights Have Blue Color Instead Of Green

Some things in Japan are way different than the other countries. If you are standing at one of the traffic intersections in Japan, you will surely witness something unusual. The color of traffic lights is different from the rest of the world. One of the lights is bluish-green. This is the result of a mix of linguistic barriers and international laws.
15. The Fat Cells Do Not Disappear When You Lose Weight

The fat cells consist of two things – lipids and water. When you exercise or try out any other way to lose weight. So, one thing is clear that fat cells do not go anywhere. Now, it is impossible to burn the cells off. And if you do, then it will do a lot of biological damage. So when you seem to have lost weight, these cells just experience a change in their size.
16. The Mountain Forests Bees Of Nepal, Produce A Honey That Causes Hallucinations

These bees are big enough to be labeled as giants in their species. Their bodies grow up to 1.1 inches in length. Each of them makes around 5-7 tablespoons of honey. But this is not a special fact about the honey. It is extremely intoxicating. This nectar that is present in the honey has hallucinating properties. Why so? That’s because this nectar has been collected from poisonous flowers.
17. Twitter’s Blue Bird Has A Name – Larry

Jack Dorsey created this micro-messaging platform, Twitter. When he was searching for a name for it, he did not like the suggestions that were given by other members of the team. The minds that were behind this social network then came upon a brilliant idea. They named it after a popular NBA player, who was also their favorite – Larry Bird.
18. Male Pandas Assert Their Dominance By Peeing And Marking Their Area

Many animal species have unique ways to mark their area and dominance. Some will rub their bodies on the trees, but most of the animals have a unique way to mark their territories. They pee on the various things and make a boundary of sorts, around an area. A Panda is no different. When a male panda has to mark its area, all it does is pee and marks a tree as his territory on it.
19. A Spanish Word ”Esposas” Means Both ”Wives” And ”Handcuffs”

Spanish people have funny vocabulary. There is a word called Esposas, that has two meanings – Wives/Spouses or Handcuffs. Seems like it was done on purpose! It is in fact, a naughty gesture that brings smiles to fun-loving Spaniards even to this day.
20. Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, The Pokemon Characters, Are Named after Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan

All those who are fans of the Pokemon franchise will be happy to know that these two characters are named after two popular Chinese martial artists Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. The names are equally appropriate for these combat-loving characters.
21. In Radio, Instead Of SOS, The Word Mayday Is Used

The word Mayday has been internationally declared as a distress signal. It indicates that there is a life-threatening emergency. It was invented by Frederick Mockford. The protocol for an emergency is by speaking the word three times (mayday, mayday, mayday) to avoid any other confusion.
22. Bananas Are Curved Because They Tend To Grow Towards The Sunlight

This is a scientific phenomenon, which is called negative geotropism. Instead of growing towards the ground, the fruit grows towards the sunlight and hence develops a slight curve upwards. But there is one important thing to note. Not all varieties of bananas are curved in shape.
23. Apart From The 5 Basic Senses, Human Beings Also Possess A Sense Of Proprioception

You must have heard this right from the elementary school to adulthood, human beings have a sixth sense. This is in fact, true. So you all must be curious to know about this new sense? It is called Proprioception. Proprioception is the perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body. This is more or less of an intuitive sense, which you can only be aware of when you focus on it by ignoring the other senses.
24. There Is A Blood Type Known As Bombay Phenotype

If you thought that AB-negative was the rarest blood group type, then think again. There is another blood type called the Bombay Phenotype. A person having this unique blood type has some elements of the blood missing from it. So, the resulting type is quite unusual. However, it is not as rare as you think. It is an anomaly in the blood where the RBCs lack the H-Antigen and is mostly found in people of Asian origin. Only 0.0004% of the world’s population has this type of blood and transfusion is available for anyone who wishes to get the usual blood type.
25. The Residents Of Piplantri, A Village In India Plant 111 Trees Every Time A Girl Is Born

What a way to love nature! In the honor of the baby girl, the people of the village plant trees. This is a novel idea to promote both, plantation and as well as the birth of a girl child.
26. The Mona Lisa Adorned The Walls Of The Bedroom Of French General, Napoleon For A Few Years

Nobody can deny the fact that Napoleon was a great military leader. Naturally, he had owned the best riches in the world. He had Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, Monalisa hung on his bedroom’s walls. So, it can also be said that Napoleon slept with Mona Lisa. But hey, that is a joke. He did not sleep with her on the same bed, but Monalisa was in his companionship for some time.
27. The 3 Most Sold Products In Human History Are – Rubik’s Cube, iPhone And Harry Potter Books

The Rubik’s Cube grabs the lowest position of the top-selling product in the world with around 350 million sales. These figures have been collected since 1980. Apple’s iPhones top this list with around 516 million units sold. The Harry Potter Books series comes in second with 450 million units sold in 73 different languages.
28. The Museum Of Science In Florence Has Preserved Galileo Galilei’s Middle Finger

It was done as a symbolic representation of the fact that Galileo did not give a damn to what others thought about his scientific discoveries and invention. No, that’s a joke. On March 12, 1737, the finger was removed, which is around 95 years after he was executed by the Church. The finger had been sent from one place to another before it finally came to this museum.
29. Politicians Mix Up Slovakia And Slovenia Many A Times

They mix it up so much that every year a meeting is held just to exchange the mails. This sounds extremely dumb but it is true! Every month employees from both the countries’ embassies meet to exchange wrongly addressed mails.
30. Saturn And Jupiter Experience Diamond Rain

Wow, who wouldn’t love to be in such a place? Only if it had a decent supply of oxygen! But what is the science behind this phenomenon? Lightning storms convert the carbon into hardened chunks which eventually evolve into diamonds.