Magicians don’t always wear a cape and a top hat. Some wear an apron, Like Chef Ben Churchill. He’s the ultimate food illusionist who can conjure up some interesting desserts that look entirely like something else and although they’re completely edible, some of these will make you think twice.
Eat Dirt!

Most patrons would ask for the check if they ordered a dessert from Churchill and got something like this. But in spite of the earthworm and the mound of dirt, this dish is actually a deliciously moist chocolate cake with strawberry jelly, chocolate ganache, and mint.
Cigarette Butts

Even the most aggressive smoker would pass on this dessert. It’s like lung cancer on a plate. But it’s just another one of Churchill’s mind tricks. They’re made with moldable chocolate and black meringue powder.
The Millennium Falcon

Chef Churchill created what looks like the Millennium Falcon from “Star Wars” crash landing into the ground. It might look delicious, but some fans might go nuts and try to take the ship out for a pretend spin around the galaxy.
This Ice Cream Cuts

The five-second rule doesn’t apply to this tropical fruit ice cream treat that has seemingly fallen on the floor. Or did it? The soil is made from chocolate. But you won’t have to worry about getting hurt because the broken shards of glass are made with sugar. So, you can definitely eat it, despite what your instincts are telling you.
Need Iron?

What better way to get some iron in your diet than by eating a bunch of rusty nails and bolts? Actually, the dish is a cereal milk iced parfait made with lemonade gel, popping candy, lemon balm, and oat and raising cookie. Sounds absolutely delicious, even if it looks hella weird, doesn’t it?
Game Of Thrones Throne

Churchill’s “Game of Thrones” chair will have you asking yourself, “Is it Winter yet?” But actually, this throne is made of chocolate and filled with bleeding strawberry coulis and coated in luster. It’s the perfect dessert for any hardcore fan of the show.
Is That a Log?

A wooden log, you say? Perhaps to the untrained eye. But if you’re familiar with Churchill’s amazing work then you know there’s more here than meets the eye. It’s actually a delicious chocolate log that looks too good to share.
Who’s Craving a Carrot?

This carrot cake was molded to literally look like a carrot. It even comes with edible rocks, chocolate soil, and a chocolate plant pot. The leaves on the carrot are made with lavender poached mint. It takes a lot of skills and patience to pull this off, don’t you agree? We can’t help but keep going back to stare at it. This is insane!
The Rotten Apple

If you’re craving a Granny Smith apple, you might end up disappointed when you take a look at this dish. It’s actually apple mousse coated in chocolate and filled with custard. But your brain will tell you not to eat this apple because it’s rotten, except it’s not.
The Mysterious Entremet

This yellowish-orange looking Entremet looks like some kind of an alien pod or a raw egg yolk trapped in a chocolate cage. It’s so tempting to grab a fork and try poking that dome to see what’s inside. Whatever it is, it’s probably very delicious.
An Unpettizing Work of Art

Here’s another intricate work of edible art. Does this weird dessert look like something you’d ever want to take a bite of? Didn’t think so! But if you ever wanted to know what a sponge tastes like, well here’s your chance to find out. Hum, well, sort of! This dessert is made out of olive oil sponge cake with a mint crumb topping and sweet milk foam. Oh, and that weird-looking brown goo on the side? It’s just baked apple puree.