Soaps —check
Juices —check
Vegetables —check
Cheese… excuse me, sir, where can I find cheese? …”Go straight, then second right, take left, you will find the dairy case.”
Shopping after a hectic day is a mundane task and some stores are so huge that it can take even 15 minutes to search for a particular shampoo brand.
However, there are some mega stores who have found ways not only to make shopping easier but to make it more fun.
Here are some of the genius ideas collected from various stores and supermarkets in the world which are way more organized than you can imagine!
1. So these are already prepared kits for donation purposes to the food shelters and homeless.

2. Your shopping carts are accompanied by calculators… a very wise way to keep a check on your purchases.

3. Lets you choose whether you want the overly helpful assistant or you just want to shop in peace.

4. On buying a regular mattress, this local mattress store gives its customers a mini mattress for their doggie!

5. This store sorts out bananas whether they are ready to be consumed or not!

6. This Walmart shopping cart has a GPS of the whole store attached to it! All that is wanted!

7. Instead of leaving broken trolleys aside, hook these tags onto them making it easier for others.

8. Well, you can choose YOUR OWN mushrooms!

9. This dressing room assists you to finalize clothes in a very clear way.

10. So this washroom at a Dutch Supermarket provides you with the samples of the toilet paper brands they sell.

11. And what a wonderful thought… these stores have magnifying glass attached to the carts for the elderly people.

12. And this place offers you a winter simulator for letting you test winter clothes.

13. This Grocery store grows vegetables on its roof and streams it by screening it in the store. You can pick yours!

14. This is what all supermarkets should offer!

15. This Vending machine has been kept by a local farmer in the mall.

16. Attention Idiots…

17. This shop has light settings so that you can check your outfit at different times of the day.

18. A shelf to keep your coffee while you open the door.

19. See this is a test ramp so that you can try out your footwear on different surfaces.

20. This Candy shop has developed a mini theatre where the movie Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory is played repeatedly.

21. The supermarket has a separate escalator for your shopping cart! Woah!

22. This Beer store sells advent calendar full of beers.

23. And here you have got a choice to make your own peanut butter!

24. Lol! This is a wise one… shop endlessly and be tension free coz we have got you a portable charger attached to the cart!

25. Well, this is new… this supermarket has electronic price tags.