Selfies were, are and will forever be “in.” However, it is an art difficult to master and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly, considering all the things that can go wrong, like these pictures people took. Maybe next time, take a look around to see what’s photobombing your shot!
Beach Buns

Somehow the main focus point of this picture is not on the girl taking the selfie, but something else entirely, think you can figure out what we’re talking about?
Lady In Red
This sexy selfie turned out to be adorable instead thanks to the little kitty in the picture! And by kitty I mean the animal.
All About the Props

This macho man has something in the back that will surely surprise you. I dare you to take a closer look. You can’t say he didn’t warn you about it! If we bring our Barbies, can we play with your dollhouse?
We Gotcha
This girl tried to play “subtle paparazzi”, but Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield realized it and reacted accordingly!
Never Shop Online with Sunglasses On
Well, this photo is a good example of why you shouldn’t wear sunglasses inside the house. Or at the very least close your browser and get rid of all the naughty things you were checking out before!
Backrolls and Everything Else

We don’t know what’s more disturbing, the toilet paper or, well…that other detail. You could say we got to see a little more than we would have really liked to.
A Feast For Freud
Psychology majors behold: this stunning view becomes completely obscured by what has to be the epitome of all phallic representations.
Hello Kitty!
All that attitude and body doesn’t really match his cell phone cover. We do like the backbone he probably has since he obviously doesn’t care if anyone sees his Hello Kitty phone case!
The Mother of All Selfies

If Jesus were walking among us, he would probably be rocking this selfie and blasting some sinners on social media.
Narcissistic Much?

Sure, it’s no issue, just take a selfie while all hell breaks lose in the back. Forget about your oath, Mr. fireman. This is SO not the way to go viral, man!
A Feast For Darwin

Well, they say pets look like their owners. This is not a pet, but I mean…can you see the resemblance? If I were him, I’d be running for the hill and away from the glass.
Poor Kiddo!
In this case, I think it’s fair to see the kid is being more mature than the adult! We kind of bet she’s going to get the “Best mother of the year” award anytime soon.
Pour Me Some

You could have at least hid the bottle and spare us the indignity of having to see this. Better yet, you could’ve not taken this selfie at all!
Oh, Grandma!
Poor Grandma didn’t know whether to look at the camera, smile, or grab the leg of her own sexy granddaughter. You can just see her look of disappointment… or is she the instigator?
Not So Sweet 16

This is wrong on so many levels. Maybe get your pregnancy over before sending sexy selfies to someone out there? Also, maybe don’t get pregnant while you’re still in school.