The “everyday people” of yesteryear are becoming less normal these days. That’s because in those days, being anxious or exhausted due to a busy schedule was the common diagnosis. But in modern times, people are discovering that even a headache can be a symptom of a much larger problem. Not only that, but we’re starting to redefine a new normal.
Shining a Light on Depression

In the past, mental health issues like depression weren’t seen as a major medical issue. But with the introduction of the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scientists have proven that depression is caused when the network of signals between neurons fails to work.
City Noises Shorten Your Lifespan

The noise level in modern-day cities has increased to over 100 dB. Noises can irritate, but they also make bodies produce cortisol, a stress hormone that decreases productivity by 60 percent. The vibrations also affect the way internal organs work.
The Food Problem

In the 20th century, world hunger was a major issue. But in the 21st century, people are overeating. Fast food is way too popular, and eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia, and obesity are way too common.
Infidelity Hurts

We choose a partner by convincing them that they’re our one and only. But when we cheat, the person’s self-esteem suffers because we’ve shown them that they’re not so unique. In the end, infidelity causes psychological trauma that can lead to depression and obviously, trust issues.
Anti-social Behavior Harms Kids

Children who don’t interact with other kids may grow up to become adults who are cruel, selfish and lack empathy. Playing with other kids allows children to find common ground with their fellow peers and learn how to control their emotions.
Insomnia’s a Trigger

Lack of sleep damages cells, which can lead to memory loss and immune system-related issues. Insomnia also affects your metabolism, which leads to a stroke, a heart attack, and even Alzheimer’s.
Phubbing’s an Issue

Lifestyle changes can lead to nasty new habits like phubbing, which is a person’s urge to spend most of their time on their Smartphone checking social media and the news, even while they’re eating or talking to someone.
Technology Harms Relationships

Scientists learned that 22.6 percent of the 46.3 percent of people who dealt with their partner’s constant phubbing claim it causes marital problems like arguing. And over 1/3 of these people say this causes them to get depressed because their partners aren’t connecting with them.
Medicine Can’t Fix Phobias

Sometimes the only thing medicine does when dealing with phobias, (like a fear of flying) is slow down your reaction. However, working with a therapist on a flight simulator may be a lot more effective. Needless to say, your fears won’t go away if you don’t do anything about it. And if left untreated, this could lead to other mental issues.
Phobias Are More Common

Specialists have registered lots of phobias in the 21st century such as Peladophobia, the fear of baldness as a result of wanting to stay young. There are other phobias, too, like the fear of robots taking over or the fear of phone calls. These phobias aren’t an illness per se but can be a symptom of one.
Symptoms Aren’t Always Clear

34 percent of people who have mental disorders don’t see the warning signs. Stress, a bad mood, fatigue, dizziness, and headaches are pretty common these days, but they could be a sign of a much bigger issue.
People Aren’t “Crazier”

In the past, people didn’t really talk about mental disorders, so when someone was in a foul mood, it was attributed to a bad temper. But today, folks are talking about their symptoms more openly. And modern diagnostic techniques have led the way to discover what’s wrong with us and how we can handle these emotions.