Many of us are guilty of posting photos that reflect the best side of ourselves. But a lot of people are using a crazy amount of filters to look absolutely perfect. Some of them don’t even look human anymore! Influencers and regular folks have gone overboard and have done more than digitally remove scars and blemishes. Some have even given themselves such a completely different face they’re practically unrecognizable in real life.
Definition of Fake

If there’s one person who understands why faking a look is so important sometimes, it’s a reality star like Kylie Jenner. But the Kar-Jenners might not be as famous if they hit their fans with the reality of what they looked like without filters. Don’t get us wrong, Kylie’s absolutely gorgeous. But would a regular candid photo sell thousands of lip kits? We don’t think so!
She Overdid It a Bit

She’s undoubtedly pretty, but you can tell that her face is starting to look a lot more like Jessica Rabbit and a lot less like a regular human being. Everyone is insecure about the way they look to some degree but sometimes it’s important to slow down. Lying about how you look does more harm than good.
Not as Expected

This woman from the TV show 90 Day Fiance is meeting her fiancée at the airport for the very first time. But she’s used so many filters on her photos and videos that she’s afraid that he’ll be very disappointed once he sees the real her. When he caught a glimpse in real life, he admitted she didn’t look anything like the pics. Ouch.
The Easy Way to Travel

With the help of Photoshop, it’s easy to superimpose yourself anywhere. You can literally travel the world without ever leaving your home. But it makes it hard for people to trust influencers when there are guys like him who probably only ever traveled to his backyard.
Unbelievable Legs

At some point, you’ve got to stop stretching and enhancing, right? What was she trying to convey with this photo? That she’s got some unbelievable legs? Because mission accomplished! She ended up with the longest legs in the history of the world.
Destroying Your True Self

When it comes to editing, sometimes a little goes a long way. There are apps like Snow, Ultimatte, Snapseed, B12, and Facetune that let you edit every little inch of your body. But that doesn’t mean you necessarily have to retouch yourself into oblivion. This is how you can lose 10 pounds in 10 minutes.
Brighter Than The Sun

Is anyone else getting Ross Geller vibes? There’s a difference between brightening your teeth with teeth-whitening strips and bleaching them. Did he straight-up paint his teeth white with Photoshop? This doesn’t even look human!
Picture-Perfect Locations That Don’t Really Exist

The original portrait already looked like it came straight out of a fairy tale book. But whoever edited this shot clearly thought that Mother Nature could’ve done a better job. So they digitally added a field of colorful tulips and pink trees and even colorized the houses.
C’mon, This Is Too Much!

Besides lacking in the editing department, this shot is just simply unbelievable. Not only is it pretty obvious it’s been digitally altered, but that plane is cruising at 30m above this fake influencer. Be careful! You might bump your head on that plane!
A 3D Render of a Human

There are catfishers, and then there’s this 20-year-old woman who’s waiting to match with her own Prince Charming on Tinder. How is she going to sell the lie in person? Is she going to douse herself in orange paint and use a Sharpie marker to draw her eyes on? Uncanny!