Although women visit beauty salons to change or maintain their hair color and style more often, these men are proving that a new haircut can work wonders on anyone. So, check out these photos to see how a little nip here and there can make anyone look friggin’ different.
He Chopped the Mop

This may be one of the most amazing transformations ever! By going from shoulder length hair to short and super clean cut, he doesn’t just look like a great man, but a different man who could be on a fashion catalog.
Two Difference Versions of Obi Wan

In the before photo, this guy looked more like Obi Wan Kenobi in “Star Wars Episode II.” But he made the right choice by cutting his hair off and admittedly looks more like Obi Wan in Episode III.
He Cut His Hair for a Good Cause

Anytime you get to cut your hair and do something to help children out is awesome. Just ask this guy who donated his golden locks to Wigs for Kids. And he looks absolutely fabulous!
He Grew His Hair for a Year and a Half

He decided to let his hair grow for about a year and a half. But then he realized he would probably look better with shorter hair. So, he chopped it off and it turns out he was right.
He Removed 3 Years of Growth

He looked like a guy who worked at a music store with his long lifeless hair. But now that he chopped his hair off, he looks a lot more wholesome and happier. Plus, his hair was turned into wigs for four kids, so, bonus.
He Didn’t Need Bangs

This man looked really cute with bangs, but now he’s totally banging after getting his hair trimmed and switching to a new hairstyle. This look definitely suits him really well.
He Shaved His Hair Off

This guy proved that you can have short hair, and it’s still not enough. So, he decided to shave it all off, and it looks absolutely phenomenal.
He Got Rid of the Mop

He grew so tired of his mop hair that he went to the barber to get a couple of inches taken off. Now he looks a little more like Jon Suave and a little less like Jon Snow.
He Looks Great Either Way

It’s not that this guy looked bad with longer hair. He just needed a change. And now he looks edgier and rugged, especially in that Denim jacket.
So Long, Mane!

He looked like a model with a long and lustrous lion mane. And although he had such nice hair, he decided to cut it all off. Now he looks like the typical hot college guy on campus.
He Donated 2 Pounds of Hair

Not only did he continue to look gorgeous with his hair, but he also cut 2 pounds of it and donated it to Wigs for kids so his hair could help pediatric cancer patients out.
He Cut His Beaver Off

After undoubtedly growing tired of being confused for Justin Bieber, he got the sides of his head shaved and the top part trimmed. And it’s a significant improvement.
From Rockstar to Hot Dad

Long hair looks great on some people. But this guy decided to chop his hair off and the results are amazing. He looks less like a rockstar now and more like a hot dad.