Usually, the thought of finding another creature latched on to your dog’s back would give any pet owner cause for concern. But when Sally Watkinson from Australia noticed a baby possum was using her dog Kato as a ride, she was determined to help the foundling before it was too late.
There Was Something on Her Dog

An Australian woman named Sally Watkinson made a shocking discovery when she realized that there was a small creature clinging to the back of Kato, one of her Puli dogs. So, she approached to take a closer look at what was latching onto her pet’s braided-like hair.
She Was Hanging on for Dear Life

Sally realized that it was an Australian ringtail possum. The poor baby had been orphaned, and she had somehow found Kato and decided to hang on to him for dear life. Interestingly enough, this wouldn’t be the last time her pooch would play a surrogate parent.
Her Baby Brother Showed Up

A second baby possum appeared a day later. It was a boy and it was clinging to Kato’s fur too. But unlike his sister, he seemed to be annoying the pooch a bit because it was digging into its skin. Thankfully, their other dog, Hugo hadn’t reacted to the possum’s presence or even tried to attack him.
Sharing the Story on Facebook

Sally decided to post on Facebook about what was happening with her dog and the possums. She also shared how her partner Jon had to walk the dogs to the veterinarian to figure out how to help the possums.
Experts Took Care of Them

Sally explained on her post that the first baby possum was now in the hands of wildlife experts and that they were caring for her until it could be returned to the wild. The male baby possum was likely going to be okay, too.
No Hope of a Family Reunion

Sally and Jon assumed that the male and female possums lost their mom when she was taken by a possum catcher. The woman explained on social media that they had been unsuccessful in finding this catcher in the hopes of reuniting the babies with their mother.
There Might Be a Third Possum

Sally also pointed out that possums usually have a litter consisting of two or three babies. So, they’re currently on the lookout for a potential third possum who might suddenly hitch a ride with one of their dogs.
They’re Absolutely Harmless

Possums are harmless and eat ticks and other bugs. So technically, they’re good for the environment, and let’s face it, they’re also ridiculously cute and adorable.
They’re Tinier Than Other Possums

Unlike the more common brush-tailed possum, the ring-tailed possums are tinier, which makes it a little more difficult for them to fend for themselves, especially when they’re young. Fortunately, those two had Kato, Sally, and Jon to help them.
They Influenced a Positive Outcome

The whole internet is thrilled that Sally and Jon were such wonderful and kind humans. Without these two, the baby possums wouldn’t survive. But fortunately, they’re now in great hands and healthier than ever.