Tinder has the potential of making love matches with a swipe of a finger… and we mean that quite literally! But there are tons of creepy and chronically rejected singles out there, too. However, one among them is called Danny Spears, and he created a fake account of 69-year-old “Billy the Handyman” to troll people for fun. He ended up matching with a bunch of people and here are the hilarious results.
Meet Bill the Handyman

69-year-old Bill the Handyman was introduced as a fake tinder profile by Danny Spears. It came complete with a creepy photo and a profile description that would send chills down women’s spine.
I Love My Wiener

Among a few hilarious photos was one where Bill tries posing casually while wearing a shirt that says “I Love My Wiener.” But instead of offending people, it rocketed Bill to Tinder stardom.
Here’s a Rear View

For Tinder users wondering if Bill had a nice “dad bod,” Danny/Bill poked his backside out and posed like he was doing a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit photoshoot. Fortunately, he wasn’t wearing anything too skimpy. But people still tried to objectify the poor handyman.
A More Conservative Look

For Tinder users who were looking for a handyman who was a bit more down to Earth, he uploaded a snap of himself wearing a buttoned-up shirt. But only time one would tell if anyone would take the bait…and they did, and it was all kinds of crazy.
A Fish Called Tracey

Bill went fishing on Tinder and caught Tracey’s attention, but he had some major off-putting questions that may have turned Tracey away for life and that was the point. She stayed, cause she was down on it. But can you imagine running into someone as fun as Bill?
Stop It, Lauren!

Unlike Bill, Danny was married, so he had to turn many women away, like Lauren. She tried to get fresh with him but he wasn’t into that. He demanded she stopped and then reiterated the kind of woman he was after: someone who’d keep his stomach warm and full.
Who’s Hall and Oates

Lauren had already established that she was willing to cook mac and cheese for him so long as it wasn’t Kraft. But she totally failed to impress him when she didn’t know who pop-rock duo Hall and Oates were.
He Was Quite a Character

People were really intrigued by the faux handy man’s Tinder profile. In fact, a bunch of comments convinced him he had tricked everyone into thinking the this was a real guy looking for love. With a backside like that, we’re sure Bill would have no problem finding dates.
It Was All Too Much

People continued to message him and it got to the point where he had to delete his Tinder account. But one person suspected it was a troll account and they really didn’t care. Bill was simply amazing.
The Global Celebrity

Now that his antics have made Danny famous, he’s using the site called Goofydads.com to sell shirts that use Bill’s most popular lines like “I Have to Poop Bye” to make a profit. Now that’s ingenious!