The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is a bluish-gray majestic bird with a maroon breast, blue-lace crests, and red eyes. They’re native to the New Guinea region. But most people don’t realize that these pigeons can grow to be just as big as a turkey. And that’s not even the half of what makes these creatures so awesome.
It’s a Fancy Bird

Despite being called a pigeon, it’s unlike any pigeon you see chasing after people at the park. These stunning birds are truly unique…sometimes for all the wrong reasons.
All in the Family

The Victoria Crowned Pigeon is part of the Goura family, which has four ground dwelling pigeon species that are unique in their own way.
They’re in a Class of Their Own

Humans are naturally attracted towards beautiful things, and this pigeon with its bright blue feathers is absolutely beautiful.
It’s Almost Peacockish

We’re a little disappointed that they’re not called “peacock pigeons” because, let’s face it, their headdress kind of resembles a peacock, doesn’t it?
Embracing the Look

Seriously! It’s like this species woke up one morning and decided to rock a peacock tail on their head! But they’re not just visually striking…
They’re Chameleons, Too

The plumage on their bellies looks a bit like leaves leading into a thicket, which probably helps mask their shape and blend in when a predator is near.
They’re Swaggerific

They’re blue. They have a fabulous headdress, they’ve got swagger, and they know it, too. It’s probably why they walk with their heads held high. Just look at that posture!
What’s in a Name?

This species got its name in honor of Queen Victoria who ruled the United Kingdom towards the end of the nineteenth century.
They’re Pretty Huge Birds

They may not look like much when they’re little, but these gorgeous rascals can grow to the size of a turkey.
We Need More

Imagine taking a stroll at a park and seeing these majestic looking pigeons wandering around the streets! Now that would really make the world a better place! Too bad that none of us will stumble into these beautiful creatures anytime soon.
Sadly, They’re Hard to Find

Despite their beautiful appearance, these beautiful blue birds are not easy to find because it’s pretty rare to find them in the wild.
Bred in Captivity

Of the various types of crowned pigeon species, the Victoria Crowned Pigeon is the species most commonly bred while in captivity. And there’s a reason for it.
They’re Endangered!

The diversity of this pigeon species is in danger because of deforestation, which threatens their natural habitat.
On the Red List

The Victoria crowned pigeons are currently listed as “Near Threatened” in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
It’s Wrong on Every Level

These beautiful birds and others like them are facing extinction at the hands of humanity as their natural habitat is being destroyed for profit.
One Egg Per Season

Sadly, a female Victoria crowned pigeon only lays one egg each mating season, which doesn’t really help increase their waning population.
The Mating Dance

But they do have a fancy way of mating. The male bows its head as he approaches the female to show off his awesome crest. Then he makes loud booming calls, swings and wags his tale to court her.
If All Goes Well

If the courting is successful, then the female will eventually pop out an egg that will spawn a cute blue chick.
They’re Lifers

Once they mate, they’re committed to each other and their bundle of joy for life. But they spent a lot of their time in small groups on the ground looking for fruits and seeds to eat.
Eye-Catching Beauties

They’re the kind of creatures you expect to read about in a fantasy novel, but the Victoria crowned pigeons are the real McCoys.