Celebrities often set the standards for beauty and fitness for the rest of the world to follow. However, They are always under an immense pressure to look good because the world is constantly judging them for who they are and what they look like. However, there are many celebrities who were not quite as fit as the world would want them to be. Many celebrity moms would pop back into work after having a baby but not all of them choose this path. Some of them are sharing their most personal and private moments on social media in the hopes that fans will see and appreciate what they really look like postpartum.
Sadia Slayy

Sadia Slayy said in an Instagram caption that she had not shown her stomach to anyone including her husband. However, she posted a picture of her stomach 9 months after the pregnancy for the world to see.

Pink posted on Instagram, telling the world about her increased weight during the pregnancy. She said that if regular standards were to be taken into account, she would be obese. She went on to say that it was her second baby and that her weight did not mean that she was on the heavier side.
Jenny Mollen

Jenny Mollen went on the internet and posted a picture of herself. She said that she was not anorexic but that her thyroid that makes her look so thin. She said that this was after she had a baby.
Katy Perry

Katy Perry posted a story on her Instagram account where she showed off the huge baby bump and also tagged a number of brands that appeared in the picture. She put on a fitting song in the background of the story that it was not the end of the world.
Amy Schumer

The comedian took to the internet to show how the only underwear that would fit her was the one provided by the hospital. She was proud of being pregnant and flaunted it on her social media handles.
Desiree Seigfried

Desiree posted a long and beautiful message along with her picture. She wanted to say that all bodies are beautiful and people sharing their postpartum bodies only encourages others to accept their bodies in an easier way.
Ashley Graham

Ashley also posted her postpartum body on her social media accounts. She showed the stretch marks that came along with the pregnancy and asked her audience to accept them as the new normal.
Tia Mowry

Tia Mowry posted a caption where she explained that many mothers no longer have the belly after 7 weeks of delivery but there are also many others who have the belly after 7 weeks too. She said that she is among the latter and that she has embraced her postpartum body.
Jenny Mollen

Jenny Mollen shared a picture of her c-section scar and she called it a piece of art. She thanked her doctor and insisted that it should be the new normal. After all, scars are common and c-section scars mean that the person brought new life in this world.
Gemma Atkinson

Gemma rocked her post-baby body on social media, saying that she was in love with her curves. She says that even though she has been into fitness her entire life, she was not allowed to lift anything or undergo any physical activity for at least 6 weeks.