Well, we all know that if pictures are being clicked, they must be perfect! So, awkwardness and photos don’t get along. Unlike today’s world where candids prevail, there was a time where going to the studio or hiring a special photographer for a family picture was a huge task. It was all done to make the picture a memorable one. But among these, there are also those who try to capture their awkwardest photos which could give them a reason not only to smile but also to laugh after years.
From adorning costumes to going nudes, families have attempted to look their best most weirdly and have crossed all the limits to top the clumsiest family pictures.
Scroll down and choose the one you would like to opt up for!
Here are the family pictures that will leave you scratching your head.
1. Well, you two should have given birth to a unicorn then.
This is just the beginning, my friend!

2. So happy that he cannot control his happiness.
Well, this is their family style.

3. Find the odd one out!
No rewards for guessing the right answer.


5. Cannot wait until the baby comes out.
They wanted to make things a little more visual.

6. The dogs do not seem excited to have their picture taken.
Or they have more important work to do than getting clicked.

7. Umm… a pumpkin on a pumpkin… eep!
A new and exciting way of getting engaged with the baby bump.

8. A family picture or a telephone advertisement?
But why does the little boy have two?

9. Aliens, zombies or a fancy dress fail?
They were trying to be the ones in space.

10. You could have even considered bringing cannons and more artillery along with this bow.
Well, guitars have replaced this bow in the present time.

11. Can someone tell for what occasion was it clicked?
Inviting more people for the picture would not have harmed.

12. Aww! I too want to have a similar family picture!
So, I must say that the character of POOH has inspired many lives. Lol!

13. Are the monkeys posing with you or is it you posing with the monkey family?
Whatever, it is… it is too many monkeys!

14. No comments! HAHA!
The baby didn’t know that not only him but also his activities are being captured.

15. Now that’s what we call as an ‘unwelcome’ pose!
Was it so difficult with the clothes on?

16. Well, well, the cat family lacked so… its okay we understand!
Btw your cat is a stud!

17. The combination of a parrot with gun and shades… kudos!
How about adding a mug of beer too?

18. You brought those sheep just to match with the ‘white’ in the red-white Xmas caps?
Well, it’s time to say Merry Christmas!