Everyone’s school teaches quite a lot of things. Within the ten years that you spend learning, you are taught quite a number of things and most children take them to their brains and memories as it is. However, there are quite a number of “facts” that were taught at school which were actually just blatant lies. This is because children have to take the word of the elders and they do not have much of a say in what is being taught to them. Read on to find out about the things that you were lied about.
George Washington Did Not Have Wooden Teeth

We were taught in school that George Washington had teeth made out of wood. However, that is not true. The books say that he had only one natural tooth remaining by 1789. His teeth were not made out of wood but actually out of lead, gold, ivory, and some people claim that he had dentures made out of people’s, cow’s, and horse’s teeth as well.
Right Brains And Left Brains Were Invented To Categorize Personalities

There are no studies that show that the right and the left hemispheres of the brain actually make a difference in your creative and logical personalities. Every part of the brain is has a different purpose, and this is easy to observe in patients who have suffered a stroke or gone through a traumatic brain injury.
More Than Three States Of Matter

Solid, Liquid, and Gas are not the only states of matter. There is actually a fourth state of matter known as plasma which is actually found in the upper atmosphere. In 1995, scientists created the Bose-Einstein Condensate which is actually now the fifth state of matter.
There Is No Taste Map On Your Tongue

According to the University of Florida, professor Steven D. Munger, that’s just mumbo jumbo. It all started when a German scientist’s findings got published in a paper in 1901. His study included a graph that misrepresented his research. The graph kind of made it seem like the human tongue had its own “taste map” and people took it literally, so for years, everyone believed this to be true. But the receptors that can detect salty, sour, sweet, bitter, and umami are distributed all around your tongue.
Not All Dinosaurs Are Extinct

Not all dinosaurs were extinct 65 million years ago like we were taught in school. There are still seagulls, blue jays, hummingbirds, and pigeons that are still flying around all over the city. Steve Brusatte, who’s the author of the book “The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs” explained, “Today’s birds evolved from dinosaurs, which makes them every bit as much of a dinosaur as T. rex or Triceratops.”
Dinosaurs Did Not Look Like Giant Lizards Either

Paleontologists have discovered a few well-preserved fossils that prove dinosaurs were covered in fluffy colorful feathers. But researchers explained that they were able to identify colors when they studied these small structures known as melanosomes found in fossilized feathers. “It’s one of the most amazing things that’s happened in my life as a scientist,” explained Steve Brusatte.
Brontosaurus Was A Dinosaur

For over 100 years, the Brontosaurus wasn’t really considered a dinosaur. In 1879, Paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh classified it as Apatosaurus because it shared some similarities with another specimen he had found 2 years prior. But in 2015, a study discovered that the two fossils were inherently different. So much so, that they belonged to two different categories, so now we know that the Brontosaurus is actually a dinosaur after all.
Demotions In The Solar System

In the 1990s, scientists demoted Pluto from being a planet to being known as a Kuiper Belt Object. Sometime before poor Pluto got stripped of its title, Ceres, another body formerly known as a planet, was reclassified as part of an asteroid belt. But then, in 2006, scientists bumped back Ceres and Pluto and assigned them the category of “dwarf planets”.
Witches Were Not Actually Burnt At The Stake

Apparently, no one got burned when the Massachusetts Bay Colony witch scare rolled around in 1692. Anyone believed to be a witch were occasionally burned in Europe. In England, most people got hanged. Out of 200 people who were thought of being a witch, 19 were convicted and hanged. Only one person was believed to be crushed under stones until they passed away.
Napolean Was Not A Short Person

At 5 foot 7, Napoleon may be considered somewhat short today. But back in the day, he was of average height. For years, the infamous conqueror was depicted as being this petty, pint-sized brat in British cartoons. When he passed away, Napoleon got measured by a few folks who were present. They claimed he was only 5 foot 2, but in the end, this was just a mistake because of the difference between the French and British measurement systems.