Humanity has only been around for some centuries. But nature is still much more powerful. We have learned how nature can beat a species to pulp this year. In fact, nature is so powerful, it’s capable of easily erasing’ things made by human civilization. We have pictures as proofs for our statements that nature has its way of reclaiming what it originally occupied. Mother Nature winning over various human-made structures gives you a necessary insight also – Do Not Mess With Mother Nature
Nature At Work

When nature comes to work in an office, you understand how professional it is. Just notice how the abandoned office is full of greenery. The fan shows how cool Mother Nature is when it is doing its job.
Nature Drives All

When you see how plants are growing in the engine and windshield of a car, you realize the driving force behind all the things on this planet.
The Road To Mother Nature

This road is full of nature’s bounties. The scenes at both ends of the road just show the rawness of nature and seem to be out of a painting.
The Boot From Nature

The shoe seems to get a boot from Mother nature. But being the mother that she is, she has taken it in its own womb and has made the sneaker a part of its own kingdom.
Destroying Everything In Its Way

The road has been blown to bits by the currents of the wave of the river. When hell hath fury, nothing can stop its way.
There’s No Stopping Nature Now

The greenery has taken over the containers or planks whatever they are. But they have been overpowered and in a few years from now will be a part of the forest cover.
The Sign Of Nature’s Dominance

There was a time when the sign used to be outside the tree. But when nature took over, then the tree-covered everything.
Building Its Way Into History

This old building was built near the banyan tree. Both of them fell in love and have been together ever since in such an entwined fashion.
The Gutter In The Roof Is No Exception

Can you imagine a tree growing on the roof? We do not understand how the Cactus plant found its way to the gutter of the roof.
The Tree That Ate Its Way Out Of Bounds

The roots of the tree have pierced the fence and they are growing out of bounds. When it comes to following rules, nature takes its own course.