As Hurricane Dorian approached the Bahamas, dozens of stray dogs in the island of Nassau were facing certain doom. But then, a woman by the name of Chella Phillips opened her doors and allowed 97 pooches to seek shelter in her humble abode, and her efforts will melt your heart!
The Lone Rescuer

Chella Phillips from Nassau, Bahamas, didn’t belong to any major rescue organization. She wasn’t part of the Humane Society either. But she had a heart, which the island’s homeless pooches needed when disaster approached.
Apocalyptic Devastation

Hurricane Dorian was a Category 5 storm that damaged 13,000 homes, and cost the lives of seven, but that number is likely to rise. Now imagine what it would have been like for those homeless pooches if they hadn’t had a place to hide.
It Was a Full House

Chella decided to update everyone on social media on what was happening in her home, which was more like a madhouse full of helpless stray dogs and very little space.
The Calm Before the Storm

Before the storm approached, people donated crates, which she needed to separate the pooches that had special conditions, and help them acclimate to their temporary storm shelter.
Creature Comfort

She had barricaded herself inside her home along with a bunch of dogs, but thankfully she was able to crank up the air conditioner and play some music to keep everyone, including herself, from going nuts.
Hoping for the Best

Chella tried to save as many dogs as she could, but knew she couldn’t save them all. So, she hoped that those who were still outside would find some way to survive the approaching Category 5 storm. At the very least, she hoped the other Bahamian islands wouldn’t get hit too badly.
This Wasn’t the First Time

Chella had opened her doors to strays before. In fact, she usually gets them to see a veterinarian and ensures they have all the proper shots. Then she’ll find a rescue in the United States that will help them find a forever home.
The Constant Struggle

Unfortunately, Chella has learned that it’s difficult to keep up with these rescues. It’s like a never-ending battle to care for and feed new dogs every day.
Someone to Watch Over Them

Although these 97 dogs had Chella watching over them, Nassau is a tiny island with thousands of dogs in need of love, food, and shelter. But it’s been her experience that most folks turn a blind eye to these creatures.
Her Viral Post

Since Chella posted what she did for these pooches in distress, her post has gone viral. And people from all over the world have sent donations and offered to help find these dogs more permanent living conditions.
Her Heart Broke

It broke her heart that she had to leave some of the homeless dogs on the streets during the storm because she didn’t have enough space. So, she wrote an update pleading rescues to help these dogs, so they never have to deal with another storm on their own ever again.