No matter how big or how small your dog is, they’re all adorable and fun loving. They like to cuddle and make amazing stress relievers. Some of them even save lives. So, here are a couple of heart-warming reasons why dogs are invaluable to humans.
Man’s Best Assistant

Not only do they steal our hearts, but they also assist in fixing our cars. Check out this adorable pooch that’s wearing a shirt that carries tools. His human better be paying him 8 treats per hours. That’s minimum wage for dogs but he’s definitely not complaining!
Never Too Young

Meet Bretagne. She might have only been 2 years old at the time, but she proved that you’re never too young to be a hero. In fact, she worked as a search and rescue pooch during 9/11.
They’re So Calming

An autistic boy was extremely nervous about experiencing his first MRI scan. Then they brought in this amazing dog to lay by his side. The four-legged friend was able to keep the boy calm the entire time. Yup. We might need a few tissues too!
Momma Dog to the Rescue

This momma dog could teach humans a thing or two about taking care of children. She rescued her puppies from a raging fire and used her mouth to grab them and carry them to the nearest fire truck.
It’s Animal Therapy Time

These animal therapy dogs are eagerly waiting for those hospital room doors to open, so they can visit sick kids and provide them with joy and happiness one face lick and tail wagging at a time.
The Court Dog

This beauty’s name is Dory and she has a very special job. She’s a court dog trained to keep a child calm during courtroom proceedings. It’s too bad they don’t have one for grown-ups. There are quite a few adults that could benefit from someone like Dory.
Jake the Firefighter

When Jake was 3 years old, he was forced to fend for himself during a raging fire. But he overcame that traumatic experience and now he’s working alongside other firefighters to help others in the same predicament he was in.
He Tows the Handicapped

Since this man was having trouble wheeling himself up the ramp, his service dog was able to use his powerful four legs and jaw to tow his human, (along with his wheelchair) all the way up.
Pooching And Smooching

Lucas suffers from Sanfilippo Syndrome, an MPS related disorder, which is tough on someone so young. But his service dog is so lovable that it makes life’s little obstacles seem a lot more bearable.
Love and War

It can be mentally and emotionally exhausting being deployed so far away from home and having to fight a war. Fortunately, this soldier has this dog who is providing him with all the TLC he needs to keep fighting.
Just Call Him Superdog

That little boy may be mom’s superhero, but the family dog proved he is a Superdog after he alerted the family that the baby was choking. If he hadn’t done that, this kid’s family would have been in mourning.
I’ll Keep You Warm

This human was stuck in extremely cold temperatures for almost 24 hours. But he didn’t freeze because this dog was lying on top of him the entire time to keep his body temperature from dropping to a dangerous level.