Everything is always bigger in America, which is a far departure from Japan which is about 26 times tinier. So naturally, the land in the east tends to do everything smaller, which is fine if you’re a native. But when tourists pay Japan a visit, they end up discovering that they’re way too big for this impressive country.
Too Tall to Come In

This 6’7 man is having a heck of a time getting around in this otherwise accommodating tea house in Japan. But in retrospect, someone that tall would probably have a tough time getting around even in the western world, huh?
Japan Isn’t Really Tall-Friendly

These photos pretty much sum up how difficult it was for this 6’3 guy when he visited Japan. The shower head wasn’t high enough. He bumped his forehead into things like concrete beams and chandeliers. Plus, he couldn’t comb his hair because the mirror wasn’t high enough. Sounds like a beautiful nightmare!
He Stood Out

This guy really stuck out like a sore thumb among the crowd of tiny locals. You’d swear he was walking on stilts, but he’s just super tall. So, if he was trying to be inconspicuous by wearing sunglasses, it’s too bad because his height gave him away.
Raising The Roof

This guy probably ended up with a bunch of bumps and cuts on his head after visiting Japan. But hey! It’s not an adventure unless someone ends up with a few scraps, right? Thanks for holding the roof up, by the way!
Bend Over

This girl had to bend over backward when she was in Japan, but not because people expected her to go above and beyond for them. The sink was way too low. She had to pretty much squat down in order to wash her face! Well, at least she got a nice little workout every morning, right?
Half A Face

This guy really wanted to have a photo with his friends and a bunch of bathing Snow Monkeys in the background in Nagano, Japan. Unfortunately, when he checked the photo, he realized that trying to get everyone in the shot was pretty much impossible.
From the Neck Down

These friends had their photo taken, which was then posted online, and it was a real riot with everyone in the area. They couldn’t stop laughing at the expense of these men who were so tall that the camera took a snap of them from the neck down.
An Insurance Claim for Sure

This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. They should change the sign from “mind your head” to “mind your upper torso,” right? If this guy had been just a little distracted, he would have knocked himself out trying to come down these stairs.
Shark Attack

This man is so tall that he became shark bait for the plushy shark hanging from this store’s ceiling. Its practically eating his delicious hair! Fortunately, it made for one heck of a cute photo that totally deserves to be on Instagram.
Watch Your Head

This poor, poor guy! At 6’3, the traditional Japanese home he was staying at was not comfortable at all. His head has the scratches and marks to prove just how often he slammed it against the exposed wooden beams.
Double Trouble

This traveling duo probably had to learn the hard way that they needed to duck before walking out of their bedroom on a trip to the bathroom. But you know what they say. Tall friends who duck together, stay together.
She Got Cut Off

Normally, they cut people off when they’ve been drinking too much, but this gal got cut off from the photo for being too tall. She just doesn’t fit in with the other Geishas. Maybe the photographer should have ignored the legs and aimed the camera towards their faces. Just saying!