Fashion can either be bold, daring, or ridiculous. But when you’re living abroad like Alex Greenberg is, you tend to notice some interesting fashion choices with questionable wording. So one day, Alex started posting some of his weird discoveries on his Instagram, @shanghaiobserved while living in Shanghai, China and people went nuts. No one could believe people would have the backbone to walk out of their house with these questionable looks. You better see for yourself!
Shanghai Observed

After getting an iPhone in 2016, Alex Greenberg created an Instagram account called Shanghai Observed and started snapping photos of locals and their fashion choices, like this kid, who is clearly too young to be feeling so down about himself. Wow! But wait! There’s more!
She’s Clueless

One of the things that Alex has observed is that the locals don’t have the slightest clue what the words on their t-shirts really say. This woman would undoubtedly rush back home and change her shirt if she knew the truth.
I Just Want to Feel

This one is by far one of the most disturbing messages anyone could put on a shirt. But judging from the smile on this beautiful woman’s face, she has no idea she’s sending a message that sends shivers down the spines of #MeToo movement advocates.
He Loves What Now?

Sorry, Boo! You’re a little too young to even know how to spell that word let alone know what it is. It’s a good thing none of his other classmates know what it means or this kid would have to change schools or move to another city.
Much Too Young, Girl

Maybe it’s a classroom or maybe it’s an A.A. meeting for teeny boppers like this one. It’s okay, girl. We’ve all been there, and we totally get how you’re feeling. Just take two aspirins and it will all pass.
The Reverse Top

Sometimes, it’s not what a top says, but the way it’s worn. Take this woman for example. Either she was in a rush and put her top in reverse, or a designer really did make a top with the bosoms on the backside. We wouldn’t be surprised either way!
Why Would Anyone Do This?

When you were younger you probably dreamed about being so famous, your face would get plastered all over the place. But we’re pretty sure this isn’t what you had in mind. Seriously, what the heck is going on here?
Shoe-Shaped Heels

This lady might think she’s a total trendsetter, walking around in these questionable heels, but all anyone’s wondering is who on Earth would have designed a heel on a shoe that looks like a mini-shoe.
Who Needs Love?

We’re guessing Tina Turner’s song “What’s Love Got to do With It” must be pretty popular there. But if you believe this t-shirt, then you’re probably better off with a slice of pizza. At least the latter won’t break your heart.
Make Me Wish

Careful what you wish for. You just might get it. But you certainly wouldn’t want what this lady wants to give you. If she only knew what the back of her jacket said! Maybe that’s her way of saying “leave me alone. I’m eating”.
She’s a Loner

It’s painfully obvious most people here don’t realize what their shirts actually say. If that were the case, then this young woman would never have any friends or a love life because everyone would think she was a total Debbie Downer.
The F Word

As Alex’s Instagram account gained popularity, people started submitting their own snaps of ridiculous fashion fails. But this one will really make everyone’s heads turn in shock. Hopefully, she won’t wear this shirt if she ever visits the United States.