There are millions of people in the world, and we are all different, that’s for sure. But there are people out there whose life, for whatever reason, has decided to give them a special touch of originality and uniqueness. We’re not only talking about their brilliant personalities, but also about them having a certain physical feature that can catch your eye because you don’t see it every day.
Partial Heterochromia In Both Eyes

This girl has eyeballs of two different colors. This phenomenon is called heterochromia. She has this condition in both eyes. This is not a Photoshop effect. There is a 0.003% probability of having such a condition.
Half-Blonde, Half-Brunette Hair Including Hair On Eyebrows

This girl has a hair pigment problem in her hair. She is half blonde and half brunette. This kind of messing up in hair pigments is rare and seen one in a hundred thousand.
This Man Severed A Nerve In His Index Finger

This man has a severed nerve in one of his fingers. So half of his finger can no longer prune. But is that weird or good? Who knows. But it is strange nevertheless.
This Boy Is Partially Blind In His Left Eye

This boy is partially blind in the left eye. We are, however, not interested in his vision. I know that’s not a nice thing to say. But read what I have written. Due to this partial blindness, this boy’s left eye doesn’t show any ’red eye’ in photos.
This Girl Has A Heart-Shaped Birthmark In Her Eye

Can we safely say that this girl sees a lot of love? But you can’t blame it on the world, as it is her special birthmark which makes her attractive.
Raynaud’s Disease Has A Cool Effect When It Gets Cold Outside

Raynaud’s disease is rare, and it causes an imbalance of blood flow in many areas of the body. It affects the fingers mostly. The ring finger of this man seems to indicate one of the regions with this condition.
Matching Triangle Freckles On The Arm And The Left Eye

It may seem like an odd rarity, but it does happen in many people. But such a rare case is never seen. This is one of the few 66 recorded cases in the world.
Third Knuckle On The Finger Is Caused By A Unique Syndrome

This is a phenomenon that is totally unheard of. Who would have such a rare and unique trait? This person in the photograph seems to have one extra knuckle on his fingers.
Half-White Half-Native Girl Has A Partial Epicanthic Fold In One Of Her Eyelids

You didn’t notice it initially, did you? I didn’t either. After looking closely at the picture, I found out what the girl meant. We have marked it out for you. Just gaze at the left eyelid of this girl and you will understand how unique her eyes are.
This Man Has 6 Fingers

Nothing that is a rarity, still I do not want to have a glimpse of this picture. This image has a creepy alien touch to it.