There are certain items that you find and you just aren’t sure what they are. However, when you don’t know anything about the item, where do you start when it comes to identifying it? Luckily, there are corners of the internet designed specifically for this purpose. These are some of the weird and mysterious finds that people needed help identifying.
Not for Tea

Structural Integrity
The truth is that this is a wall-mounted toilet – it isn’t going to have a porcelain base, to begin with. These are often easier for custodial staff to keep clean. On the negative side, they aren’t as strong as standard toilets. So, an additional leg can do a lot for foundational integrity.
Interesting Plumb Bob
Falling for It
Someone did spot what had happened, though. As it turns out, this isn’t money at all but rather a paperweight with fake money inside. What appears as ice at first glance is probably acrylic. As for what happened to it, someone probably broke it open hoping that there was real money inside.
Protecting Your Furry Friend
It’s actually a tool to help your pets! The flat part against the table is meant to stick to the floor so that it stays in place. Then, your dog can chew on the stationary toy. While they do, the uneven design and bristled pieces of the design will help scrub their teeth clean.
Unfamiliar Tools
That’s to be expected when you aren’t specialized in an industry. That’s why turning to other sources to identify a tool can be so helpful. The person who found them actually guessed that they were pliers of some sort and they were pretty much right. These are piston rings, installation pliers.
To Get Olives

That’s because it isn’t a clothes peg at all. This wooden stick has a pretty niche use. If you’re eating olives, you might notice it’s hard to grab the last few out of the jar or can. You can use an olive pick or olive fork like this one to grab your tasty snack without getting your fingers dirty.